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Implementing RosettaNet




About RosettaNet

RosettaNet Architecture

WebLogic Integration Architecture and RosettaNet

RosettaNet Protocol Layer

PIP Templates

Workflow Definition

Digital Signatures

Message Validation

RosettaNet Sample

Unsupported Items

RosettaNet Administration

Configuring RosettaNet Security

Configuring SSL and Digital Signatures

Message Encryption

Setting Up the Environment


Using Workflows with RosettaNet

Understanding RosettaNet

Understanding PIP Workflow Instances

Getting Started

Working with Workflows

RosettaNet Workflow Variables

Using the Workflow Variable Tables



Workflow Variables for RNIF 2.0

Workflow Variables for RNIF 1.1

Consolidated rnSystem Variable

Receiving a RosettaNet Message

Start Nodes

Event Nodes

Implementing Timeouts

Out of Sequence Reception of Signals

Sending a RosettaNet Message

Validating a Message

RosettaNet Message Validation

Recommended Reading About Message Validation

Performance Tuning and Message Validation

Message Attachments


RosettaNet PIP Templates

Importing a RosettaNet Template

RosettaNet Business Operations

PIP0A1: Notification of Failure

PIP3A2: Query Price and Availability

Modeling Other PIPs


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