WebLogic Integration

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPushListener
com.bea.adapter.event The com.bea.adapter.event package contains classes that provide a basic event generator. 

Uses of IPushListener in com.bea.adapter.event

Classes in com.bea.adapter.event that implement IPushListener
 class AbstractBEAPushEventGenerator
          BEA Specific class for licensing.
 class AbstractPushEventGenerator
          The primary responsibilites of this class is to listen for events and call postEvents.

Methods in com.bea.adapter.event with parameters of type IPushListener
 void IPushHandler.addPushListener(IPushListener listener)
          adds a push listener to the implementation object
 void IPushHandler.removePushListener(IPushListener listener)
          removes a push listener from the implementation object

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)