WebLogic Integration

Class AbstractManagedConnection


public abstract class AbstractManagedConnection
extends java.lang.Object
implements javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

Provides functionality that is common across resource adapters for implementing the ManagedConnection interface. A ManagedConnection represents a physical connection to an underlying EIS. The creation of a ManagedConnection instance typically results in the allocation of EIS and resource adapter resources.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Summary
protected AbstractManagedConnection(AbstractManagedConnectionFactory myFactory, LogContext logContext, boolean bSupportsXAResource, boolean bSupportsLocalTransactions)
          Initializes the base class components provided by this class for concrete ManagedConnections.
Method Summary
 void addConnectionEventListener(javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener listener)
          Adds a connection event listener to this ManagedConnection instance.
 void addConnectionHandle(java.lang.Object connectionHandle)
          Adds an application-level connection handle to the collection maintained by this ManagedConnection.
 void associateConnection(java.lang.Object connection)
          Used by the container to change the association of an application-level connection handle with a ManagedConnection instance.
protected  void checkIfDestroyed()
          Checks to see if the client has already called the "destroy" on this instance.
 void cleanup()
          Application server calls this to force any cleanup on the ManagedConnection instance.
 boolean compareCredentials(javax.security.auth.Subject subject, javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo info)
          This method is invoked when the ManagedConnectionFactory is attempting to match this connection with a connection request for the ConnectionManager.
protected  javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction createLocalTransaction()
          Returns a LocalTransaction.
protected abstract  javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionMetaData createMetaData()
          Returns an object that provides information about the underlying EIS instance associated with "this" ManagedConnection instance.
protected  javax.transaction.xa.XAResource createXAResource()
          Creates the XA resource if supported.
 void destroy()
          Destroys the physical connection to the underlying EIS.
protected  void destroyConnectionHandle(java.lang.Object obj)
          This method gets invoked by the cleanup method to allow any clean-up of resources held by this instance for a particular connection handle.
protected  void destroyPhysicalConnection(java.lang.Object obj)
          This method gets invoked by the destroy method to allow destruction of resources held by this instance for a particular physical connection to the EIS.
protected  void doAdditionalCleanup()
          This method gets invoked by the cleanup method to allow any clean-up of additional resources held by this instance
 void fireConnectionErrorOccurredEvent(java.lang.Exception exception)
          Notifies all registered listeners of a connection error.
 void fireConnectionHandleClosedEvent(java.lang.Object connectionHandle)
          Notifies all registered listeners that a connection was closed.
 void fireLocalTransactionCommittedEvent()
          Notifies all registered listeners that a transaction was committed.
 void fireLocalTransactionRolledBackEvent()
          Notifies all registered listeners that a transaction was rolled back.
 void fireLocalTransactionStartedEvent()
          Notifies all registered listeners that a transaction was started.
 AbstractManagedConnectionFactory getFactory()
 javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction getLocalTransaction()
          Returns a LocalTransaction that is tied to the EIS connection represented by this ManagedConnection.
 LogContext getLogContext()
          Retrieves an object that determines the logging configuration for this instance in the logging framework.
 ILogger getLogger()
          Retrieves an object used to log information to.
 java.io.PrintWriter getLogWriter()
 javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionMetaData getMetaData()
          Gets the metadata information for this connection's underlying EIS resource manager instance.
 java.lang.Object getPhysicalConnection()
          A ManagedConnection object is typically a wrapper around an object that is native to the EIS's external API.
 javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource()
 boolean isBusy()
 boolean isDestroyed()
protected  void notifyListenersOfEvent(javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEvent event)
          Notifies all currently registered listeners of a connection event
 void removeConnectionEventListener(javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener listener)
          Removes an already registered connection event listener from the ManagedConnection instance.
 void removeConnectionHandle(java.lang.Object connectionHandle)
          Removes connectionHandle from the set of application-level connection handles that is managed by this instance.
 void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter out)
          Adds out as a runtime destination to the ILogger for this instance.
 void setPhysicalConnection(java.lang.Object obj)
          A convenience method that allows an adapter developer to save an object that represents the underlying physical connection to the EIS.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractManagedConnection(AbstractManagedConnectionFactory myFactory,
                                    LogContext logContext,
                                    boolean bSupportsXAResource,
                                    boolean bSupportsLocalTransactions)
                             throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Initializes the base class components provided by this class for concrete ManagedConnections.

myFactory - - the factory that instantiated this
logContext - - an object that provides access to an ILogger instance for logging.
bSupportsXAResource - - a flag to indicate if the resource adapter implements XAResource to provide support for transaction management.
bSupportsLocalTransactions - - a flag to indicate if the resource adapter supports local transactions.
javax.resource.ResourceException - - an exceptional condition was encountered while attempting to initialize this instance; either there was a null parameter or failed to get metadata.
Method Detail


public boolean isBusy()

true if this instance has any open application-level connection handles; false otherwise. This method is employed during the matching process.


public void addConnectionEventListener(javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener listener)
Adds a connection event listener to this ManagedConnection instance.
Specified by:
addConnectionEventListener in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

listener - - enables the application server to get notifications related to the state of this ManagedConnection instance. The application server uses these notifications to manage connection pooling, transactions, cleanup connections, and handle any error conditions.


public void removeConnectionEventListener(javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener listener)
Removes an already registered connection event listener from the ManagedConnection instance.
Specified by:
removeConnectionEventListener in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection


public void addConnectionHandle(java.lang.Object connectionHandle)
Adds an application-level connection handle to the collection maintained by this ManagedConnection. An application server can call getConnection multiple times, thus multiple connection handles can exist concurrently for a single instance.

connectionHandle - - represents an application-level connection handle to the EIS.


public void removeConnectionHandle(java.lang.Object connectionHandle)
Removes connectionHandle from the set of application-level connection handles that is managed by this instance. There can be more than one application-level connection handles associated with a ManagedConnection instance.


public void associateConnection(java.lang.Object connection)
                         throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Used by the container to change the association of an application-level connection handle with a ManagedConnection instance. This assumes connection is an instance of com.bea.adapter.cci.AbstractConnection. Adapter developers should override this if their connection object does not extend com.bea.adapter.cci.AbstractConnection.
Specified by:
associateConnection in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

connection - - the application-level connection handle
javax.resource.ResourceException - - an exceptional condition was encountered while attempting to associate an application-level connection handle with this instance.


protected void checkIfDestroyed()
                         throws javax.resource.spi.IllegalStateException
Checks to see if the client has already called the "destroy" on this instance.

javax.resource.spi.IllegalStateException - - the destoy has already been called on this instance.


public void cleanup()
             throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Application server calls this to force any cleanup on the ManagedConnection instance. This might include any transaction or security state associated with the connection. This method does NOT close the undelying physical connection to the EIS, use destroy for that.
Specified by:
cleanup in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

javax.resource.ResourceException - - an exceptional condition was encountered while cleaning up the connection handles associated with this instance.


protected javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction createLocalTransaction()
                                                              throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Returns a LocalTransaction. Adapter developers should over-ride this method to instantiate the correct type of LocalTransaction implementation for their adapter. The base class implementation should never actually be called...it only gets called if a developer states that this implementation supports local tx but does not override this method.


protected abstract javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionMetaData createMetaData()
                                                                        throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Returns an object that provides information about the underlying EIS instance associated with "this" ManagedConnection instance. This is called after the physical connection to the EIS is obtained. Since obtaining a physical connection is EIS specific, this is abstract.


protected javax.transaction.xa.XAResource createXAResource()
                                                    throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Creates the XA resource if supported. This method simplifies the work needed to provide an XA resource. Adapter developers are guaranteed that this method will not be invoked unless "this" actually supports XAResource. Adapter developers should override this method to provide the XAResource in an adapter specific manner. Currently returns null. Allows adapter developer to benefit from logging, sanity checking, creating an I18N ResourceException, etc.


public void destroy()
             throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Destroys the physical connection to the underlying EIS.
Specified by:
destroy in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection


protected void destroyConnectionHandle(java.lang.Object obj)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
This method gets invoked by the cleanup method to allow any clean-up of resources held by this instance for a particular connection handle.


protected void destroyPhysicalConnection(java.lang.Object obj)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
This method gets invoked by the destroy method to allow destruction of resources held by this instance for a particular physical connection to the EIS.


protected void doAdditionalCleanup()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
This method gets invoked by the cleanup method to allow any clean-up of additional resources held by this instance


public void fireConnectionErrorOccurredEvent(java.lang.Exception exception)
Notifies all registered listeners of a connection error.


public void fireConnectionHandleClosedEvent(java.lang.Object connectionHandle)
Notifies all registered listeners that a connection was closed.


public void fireLocalTransactionCommittedEvent()
Notifies all registered listeners that a transaction was committed.


public void fireLocalTransactionRolledBackEvent()
Notifies all registered listeners that a transaction was rolled back.


public void fireLocalTransactionStartedEvent()
Notifies all registered listeners that a transaction was started.


public AbstractManagedConnectionFactory getFactory()

the ManagedConnectionFactory implementation for this object.


public javax.resource.spi.LocalTransaction getLocalTransaction()
                                                        throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Returns a LocalTransaction that is tied to the EIS connection represented by this ManagedConnection.
Specified by:
getLocalTransaction in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

javax.resource.ResourceException - if the adapter does not support local transactions


public LogContext getLogContext()
Retrieves an object that determines the logging configuration for this instance in the logging framework.

an object that determines the logging configuration for this instance.


public ILogger getLogger()
Retrieves an object used to log information to. This uses the adapter's logical name to determine its logger. Adapter developers can override this to return a logger that is not based solely on the supplied logging context.

an object used to log information to.


public java.io.PrintWriter getLogWriter()
                                 throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Specified by:
getLogWriter in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

a PrintWriter interface to the logging framework used by the ADK.


public javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionMetaData getMetaData()
                                                         throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Gets the metadata information for this connection's underlying EIS resource manager instance.
Specified by:
getMetaData in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection


public java.lang.Object getPhysicalConnection()
                                       throws javax.resource.ResourceException
A ManagedConnection object is typically a wrapper around an object that is native to the EIS's external API. This is a convenience method that allows the retrieval of the underlying EIS connection object.

javax.resource.ResourceException - if the physical connection has not been set for this instance, using the setPhysicalConnection method.


public void setPhysicalConnection(java.lang.Object obj)
                           throws javax.resource.ResourceException
A convenience method that allows an adapter developer to save an object that represents the underlying physical connection to the EIS. It is a common design pattern that a ManagedConnection implementation encapsulates another type of object that is needed to establish connectivity to the underlying EIS. For example, a JDBC based resource adapter's ManagedConnection implementation would probably use the java.sql.Connection object as the physical connection.

javax.resource.ResourceException - if obj is null.


public javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource()
                                              throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Specified by:
getXAResource in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection

an XAResource for this EIS connection
javax.resource.ResourceException - if the resource adapter does not support XA.


public boolean isDestroyed()

true if the destroy method has already been invoked for this instance.


protected void notifyListenersOfEvent(javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEvent event)
Notifies all currently registered listeners of a connection event

event - - the connection event


public void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter out)
                  throws javax.resource.ResourceException
Adds out as a runtime destination to the ILogger for this instance.
Specified by:
setLogWriter in interface javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection


public java.lang.String toString()

a string representation of this object.
toString in class java.lang.Object


public boolean compareCredentials(javax.security.auth.Subject subject,
                                  javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo info)
                           throws javax.resource.ResourceException
This method is invoked when the ManagedConnectionFactory is attempting to match this connection with a connection request for the ConnectionManager. Currently, this method extracts a PasswordCredential from the supplied Subject / ConnectionRequestInfo parameters. If both are null, this method returns true because it has already been established that the ManagedConnectionFactory for this instance is correct. If either the Subject or the ConnectionRequestInfo are not null, then this method returns false. Adapter developers should override this method if they expect the Subject or the ConnectionRequestInfo objects to be non-null

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)