WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageInfo
com.bea.lwclient Used for working with WebLogic Collaborate Trading Partner Lightweight Client Mailbox. 

Uses of MessageInfo in com.bea.lwclient

Methods in com.bea.lwclient that return MessageInfo
 MessageInfo[] LwcMailbox.getMessageInfos()
          Returns info about all messages in the mailbox.
 MessageInfo[] LwcMailboxDirectory.getMessageInfos()
          Returns info about all messages in the mailbox.

Methods in com.bea.lwclient with parameters of type MessageInfo
 void LwcMailbox.addMessage(MessageInfo msginfo, byte[] mesg, boolean filesharing)
          Adds a message to the mailbox.
 void LwcMailboxDirectory.addMessage(MessageInfo minfo, byte[] msg, boolean filesharing)
          Adds a message to the mailbox.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)