WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.b2b.management

Provides the ManagementException class for WebLogic Collaborate management applications.


Interface Summary
CollaborationAgreementMBean The CollaborationAgreementMBean interface represents a Collaboration Protocol Agreement(CollaborationAgreement).
ConversationMBean The ConversationMBean interface represents an active conversation.
DeliveryChannelMBean The DeliveryChannelMBean interface represents a Delivery Channel.
MessageMBean The MessageMBean interface represents a business message in a business transaction.
TradingPartnerSessionMBean The Trading Partner Sessions represents a session with a trading partner.
WLCMBean The WLCMBean interface represents the WebLogic Collaborate.

Class Summary

Exception Summary
ManagementException A ManagementException is thrown if an error occurred in a WebLogic Collaborate management application.

Package com.bea.b2b.management Description

Provides the ManagementException class for WebLogic Collaborate management applications.

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WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)