WebLogic Integration

Interface PlugIn

public interface PlugIn

The PlugIn interface represents a generic logic plug-in. Logic plug-ins are individual components or modules that perform specialized processing of business messages as they pass through the c-hub. At run time, logic plug-ins can intercept, process, and output business messages.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
          Indicates that processing should continue to the next logic plug-in if a PlugInException is thrown.
          Indicates that processing should stop at this logic plug-in if a PlugInException is thrown.
          Indicates that processing should unwind if a PlugInException is thrown.
Method Summary
 int exceptionProcessingModel()
          Gets the current setting of the exception processing model (continue, stop, or unwind).
 java.lang.String getName()
          Gets the name of this logic plug-in.
 void init(java.util.Hashtable properties)
          Initializes this logic plug-in one time using the specified initialization settings.
 void process(MessageEnvelope env)
          Processes the specified message envelope.
 void shutDown()
          Shuts down this logic plug-in.
 void unwind(MessageEnvelope env, java.lang.Throwable t)
          Unwinds changes made by this logic plug-in.

Field Detail


public static final int EXCEPTION_UNWIND
Indicates that processing should unwind if a PlugInException is thrown. The business message does not continue to the next logic plug-in in the chain.

Use this option to reject a business message; to prevent its further progress through the c-hub; and to undo any changes made by this plug-in, along with any changes made by previous plug-ins in the chain. If an exception is thrown and this is the exception processing model, then the unwind method in this logic plug-in, as well as the unwind methods in all previous plug-ins in the chain, are invoked in reverse order. In effect, unwinding cancels all changes made by the chain.


public static final int EXCEPTION_CONTINUE
Indicates that processing should continue to the next logic plug-in if a PlugInException is thrown.

Use this option to allow a business message to continue through the c-hub even if an error occurs during the execution of this logic plug-in.


public static final int EXCEPTION_STOP
Indicates that processing should stop at this logic plug-in if a PlugInException is thrown. The business message does not continue to the next logic plug-in in the chain.

Use this option to reject a business message and prevent its further progress through the c-hub.

Method Detail


public int exceptionProcessingModel()
Gets the current setting of the exception processing model (continue, stop, or unwind).

int One of the following values:

EXCEPTION_UNWIND (0) if the chain should unwind if an exception is thrown.

EXCEPTION_CONTINUE (1) if the chain should ignore the exception and continue processing the business message with the next logic plug-in.

EXCEPTION_STOP (2) if processing should stop at this logic plug-in.


public void init(java.util.Hashtable properties)
          throws PlugInException
Initializes this logic plug-in one time using the specified initialization settings.

properties - Name-value pairs that specify initialization information.
PlugInException - If an error occurred during initialization.


public void shutDown()
              throws PlugInException
Shuts down this logic plug-in. Use method to provide for an orderly shutdown if the logic plug-in is being removed.

PlugInException - If an error occurs during shutdown.


public java.lang.String getName()
Gets the name of this logic plug-in.


public void process(MessageEnvelope env)
             throws PlugInException
Processes the specified message envelope.

The process() method is invoked when processing a business message at various stages. When invoked, each logic plug-in has access to the information about the business message up to that point of the processing. What may be changed, however, is limited.

env - Message envelope containing the business message information gathered up to this point. Provides a place to store additional information as needed for processing this business message.
PlugInException - If an error occurred during processing.


public void unwind(MessageEnvelope env,
                   java.lang.Throwable t)
Unwinds changes made by this logic plug-in.

The unwind() method is invoked automatically when an exception occurred during execution of a subsequent logic plug-in in the chain. In that subsequent logic plug-in, the exception processing model was configured to unwind the entire chain if an exception was thrown. Developers should implement this message to undo any changes made by this logic plug-in. For example, if this logic plug-in adds a record to a database, this method should removing the record.

env - Message envelope that was passed to process, possibly containing extra information from subsequent logic plug-ins in the chain.
t - Exception that triggered the unwind.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)