WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.document

Objects/interfaces for BEA Document and Schema support.


Interface Summary
IDocument An IDocument represents an XML document.
IDocumentDefinition This interface embodies all the metadata about a document type.

Class Summary
BooleanDocumentData Represents a boolean value within a DOM tree.
DocumentData A representation of data within a document.
DocumentFactory Default factory for creating instances of IDocument.
NodeSetDocumentData Represents a set of nodes (e.g.
NumberDocumentData Represents a numeric value within a DOM tree.
RTreeDocumentData Represents a RTreeFragment within a DOM.
StringDocumentData Represents a string value within a DOM tree.
XMLUtils The XMLUtils class contains utility methods used to work with XML documents.

Exception Summary
DocumentException The main exception class for IDocument and IDocumentSchema and related classes/interfaces.
DocumentParseException Exception indicating a parse error while creating an IDocument.
DocumentRuntimeException Serious underlying XML errors are thrown using this encapsulation.
InvalidDocumentException Exception thrown when a document is found to be invalid (either by validation against a schema, or because of some general structure flaw.

Package com.bea.document Description

Objects/interfaces for BEA Document and Schema support. A document is a grouping of data elements that a related in some way. The BEA document object (represented by the IDocument interface) can represent ANY type of document, but is has a canonical (internal) representation that is XML (or more correctly a Document Object Model or DOM). Having a canonical representation allows all document objects to be handled equivalently. You may do anything with any IDocument that you may do with an XML document.

Currently, the implementation of IDocumentFormat is not complete, but its purpose is to describe the native (wire) format of the document in such a way that it is always possible to transform a document in its native format into the canonical format.

All transformations between IDocuments of one document type (represented by an IDocumentDefinition) to another are represented as transformations between documents in their canonical formats. In the case of XML transformations will be handled by XSLT (but this is not represented in this package currently).

All IDocument objects are queryable and updatable using XPath strings. Also, all IDocument instances are serializable to XML and unserializable from XML. IDocument objects should implement the java.io.Serializable interface.

The IDocumentSchema interface represents a schema for IDocuments of a given document definition. The IDocumentSchema interface allows you to create template (default) documents that conform to the schema.

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WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)