WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use SOMGroupType
com.bea.schema Objects/interfaces for BEA Schema support. 

Uses of SOMGroupType in com.bea.schema

Subclasses of SOMGroupType in com.bea.schema
 class SOMAll
          <all> The grouping construct for schema components.
 class SOMAny
          <any> The XML representation for a wildcard schema component is an any or anyAttribute element information item.
 class SOMChoice
          <choice> The grouping construct for schema components.
 class SOMGroup
          <group> The XML representation for a model group definition schema component is a <group> element information item.
 class SOMSequence
          <sequence> The grouping construct for schema components.

Methods in com.bea.schema that return SOMGroupType
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexExtension.getGroup()
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexExtension.setGroup(SOMGroupType group)
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexExtension.removeGroup()
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexType.getGroup()
          a reference to the group for this complexType
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexType.setGroup(SOMGroupType p_group)
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexType.removeGroup()
          remove the previously set group-type.

Methods in com.bea.schema with parameters of type SOMGroupType
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexExtension.setGroup(SOMGroupType group)
 SOMGroupType SOMComplexType.setGroup(SOMGroupType p_group)

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)