WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use SOMSimpleType
com.bea.schema Objects/interfaces for BEA Schema support. 

Uses of SOMSimpleType in com.bea.schema

Methods in com.bea.schema that return SOMSimpleType
 SOMSimpleType SOMBasic.addSimpleType()
          sets the element type to a newly constructed simpleType.
 SOMSimpleType SOMSchema.addSimpleType(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a SOMSimpleType object with the given name and adds the object to the root level of this schema.
 SOMSimpleType SOMSchema.addSimpleType(SOMSimpleType child)
          Adds the simpleType to the root level of this schema.
 SOMSimpleType SOMSchema.removeSimpleType(java.lang.String name)
          remove a simpleType from the root level of this schema

Methods in com.bea.schema with parameters of type SOMSimpleType
 SOMSimpleType SOMSchema.addSimpleType(SOMSimpleType child)
          Adds the simpleType to the root level of this schema.
 void SOMUnion.addSimpleType(SOMSimpleType simpleType)

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)