WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use Word
com.bea.web.validation The com.bea.web.validation package provides classes that validate user input to support form processing. 

Uses of Word in com.bea.web.validation

Subclasses of Word in com.bea.web.validation
 class DateWord
          Determines if a value is a valid date and is in the proper format.
 class DoubleWord
          Determines if a value is a valid Java Double between a specified range.
 class EmailWord
          Determines if a value is a valid email address.
 class FloatWord
          Determines if a value is a valid Java float between a specified range.
 class IdentifierWord
          Determines if a value is a valid Java identifier.
 class IntegerWord
          Determines if a value is a valid Java Integer between a specified range.
 class URLWord
          Determines if a value is a valid URL.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)