WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use ApplicationViewException
com.bea.adapter.web The com.bea.adapter.web package contains classes that support the development of a design-time Web application for deploying and managing application views. 
com.bea.wlai.client Provides the WebLogic Application Integration client-side interfaces/classes. 

Uses of ApplicationViewException in com.bea.adapter.web

Methods in com.bea.adapter.web that throw ApplicationViewException
 IApplicationViewDescriptor AbstractDesignTimeRequestHandler.getApplicationViewDescriptor(java.lang.String strName)

Uses of ApplicationViewException in com.bea.wlai.client

Methods in com.bea.wlai.client that throw ApplicationViewException
 EventTester.EventCreationResults EventTester.createEvent(EventTester.EventCreationInfo eci, long millisToWait)
 java.lang.String[] ApplicationViewRemote.listServiceNames(QualifiedName appViewName)
          List service names deployed for this ApplicationView.
 java.lang.String[] ApplicationViewRemote.listEventTypes(QualifiedName appViewName)
          List the events this ApplicationView is capable of delivering, and thus the events which may be listened for using an EventContext returned from a call to getEventContext().
 IDocumentDefinition ApplicationViewRemote.getRequestDocumentDefinition(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName)
          Get request DocumentDefinition for the given service.
 IDocumentDefinition ApplicationViewRemote.getResponseDocumentDefinition(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName)
          Get response IDocumentDefinition for the given service.
 IEventDefinition ApplicationViewRemote.getEventDefinition(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String eventType)
          Get IEventDefinition for the given event type.
 IDocument ApplicationViewRemote.invokeService(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request document given.
 IDocument ApplicationViewRemote.invokeService(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, boolean autoCreateResponse, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request document given.
 void ApplicationViewRemote.invokeService(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, IDocument response, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request and response documents given.
 java.lang.String ApplicationViewRemote.invokeServiceAsync(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String appViewInstanceID, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Asynchronously invoke the service with the given name, and post the the response to the JMS response queue for this ApplicationView.
 java.lang.String ApplicationViewRemote.invokeServiceAsync(QualifiedName appViewName, java.lang.String appViewInstanceID, java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, java.lang.String responseQueueJNDIName, java.util.Map jmsPropertyMap, javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec spec)
          Asynchronously invoke the service with the given name, and place the response on the indicated JMS queue when the response is available.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.addApplicationView(INamespace parent, java.lang.String appViewName)
          Creates an ApplicationView with the given name, adds it to the given parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.removeApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the ApplicationView with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 void ApplicationViewManagerRemote.updateApplicationView(IApplicationViewDescriptor appView)
          Updates the given ApplicationViewDescriptor within the WLAI repository.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManagerRemote.getApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the ApplicationView with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 boolean ApplicationViewManagerRemote.exists(QualifiedName name)
          Determines whether an Application View with the given qualified name exists in the repository.
 AdapterInfo ApplicationViewManagerRemote.getAdapterInfoForApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Returns information about the adapter associated with an ApplicationView with the given name.
 java.lang.String[] ApplicationView.listServiceNames()
          List service names deployed for this ApplicationView.
 java.lang.String[] ApplicationView.listEventTypes()
          List the events this ApplicationView is capable of delivering, and thus the events which may be listened for using addEventListener().
 IDocumentDefinition ApplicationView.getRequestDocumentDefinition(java.lang.String serviceName)
          Get request DocumentDefinition for the given service.
 IDocumentDefinition ApplicationView.getResponseDocumentDefinition(java.lang.String serviceName)
          Get response IDocumentDefinition for the given service.
 IEventDefinition ApplicationView.getEventDefinition(java.lang.String eventType)
          Get IEventDefinition for the given event type.
 IDocument ApplicationView.invokeService(java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request document given.
 IDocument ApplicationView.invokeService(java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, boolean autoCreateResponse)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request document given.
 void ApplicationView.invokeService(java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, IDocument response)
          Synchronously invoke the service with the given name, using the request and response documents given.
 boolean ApplicationView.isAsyncEnabled()
          Determine if this application view has been set up to allow the user to use the invokeServiceAsync() method.
 java.lang.String ApplicationView.invokeServiceAsync(java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, AsyncServiceResponseListener listener)
          Asynchronously invoke the service with the given name, and notify the given listener when the response is available.
 java.lang.String ApplicationView.invokeServiceAsync(java.lang.String serviceName, IDocument request, java.lang.String responseQueueJNDIName, java.util.Map jmsPropertyMap)
          Asynchronously invoke the service with the given name, and place the response on the indicated JMS queue when the response is available.
 EventContext ApplicationView.getEventContext()
          Get an EventContext for posting/listening for events on this ApplicationView.
 EventContext ApplicationView.getEventContext(boolean release)
          Get an EventContext for posting/listening for events on this ApplicationView, possibly releasing ownership of the EventContext to the caller.
 void ApplicationView.addEventListener(java.lang.String eventTypeName, EventListener listener)
          Add a listener for events with type given by eventTypeName.
 void ApplicationView.addEventListener(java.lang.String eventTypeName, EventListener listener, java.lang.String uniqueID)
          Add a listener for events with type given by eventTypeName.
 void ApplicationView.removeEventListener(java.lang.String eventType, EventListener listener)
          Remove the given listener from the subscription list for events with type given by eventTypeName.
 void ApplicationView.postEvent(IEvent event)
          Post the given event to this ApplicationView, thus notifying any listeners listening on this ApplicationView for events with the type of the given event.
protected  void ApplicationView.initializeAsync()
          Initialize member variables required for performing asynchronous service invocation.
protected  void ApplicationView.freeAsync()
          Free any resources allocated for async service processing.
 void ApplicationView.close()
          Free any resources being held by this ApplicationView instance.
protected  void ApplicationView.checkClosed()
          Throw an exception if this app view instance is already closed.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.addApplicationView(INamespace parent, java.lang.String appViewName)
          Creates an application view with the given name, adds it to the given parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.removeApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Removes the application view with the given qualified name from its parent namespace, and returns a descriptor for it.
 void ApplicationViewManager.updateApplicationView(IApplicationViewDescriptor appView)
          Updates the given ApplicationViewDescriptor within the WLAI repository.
 IApplicationViewDescriptor ApplicationViewManager.getApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Gets the application view with the given qualified name and returns a descriptor for it.
 boolean ApplicationViewManager.exists(QualifiedName aQualifiedName)
          Determine whether the application view represented by a qualified name exists in the repository.
 ApplicationView ApplicationViewManager.getApplicationViewInstance(QualifiedName name)
          Create a new instance of the application view with the given qualified name.
 AdapterInfo ApplicationViewManager.getAdapterInfoForApplicationView(QualifiedName name)
          Returns information about the adapter associated with an application view with the given name.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)