WebLogic Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use EventContextException
com.bea.wlai.client Provides the WebLogic Application Integration client-side interfaces/classes. 

Uses of EventContextException in com.bea.wlai.client

Methods in com.bea.wlai.client that throw EventContextException
protected  void EventContext.initialize()
          Initialize JMS.
protected  void EventContext.initTopicPublisher()
protected  void EventContext.initQueueSender()
protected  void EventContext.checkClosed()
 void EventContext.postEvent(java.lang.String eventType, IEvent event)
          Post an event with the given type and represented by the given event to this EventContext.
 void EventContext.addListener(java.lang.String eventTypeName, EventListener eventListener)
          Register a listener for all events of type eventTypeName.
 void EventContext.addListener(java.lang.String eventTypeName, EventListener eventListener, java.lang.String subscriberName)
          Register a listener for all events of type eventTypeName.
 void EventContext.reinitialize()
          Reinitialize JMS resources using stored environment properties, and JMS topic name.
 EventTester.EventCreationResults EventTester.createEvent(EventTester.EventCreationInfo eci, long millisToWait)
 EventContext ApplicationView.getEventContext()
          Get an EventContext for posting/listening for events on this ApplicationView.
 EventContext ApplicationView.getEventContext(boolean release)
          Get an EventContext for posting/listening for events on this ApplicationView, possibly releasing ownership of the EventContext to the caller.
 void ApplicationView.addEventListener(java.lang.String eventTypeName, EventListener listener)
          Add a listener for events with type given by eventTypeName.
 void ApplicationView.addEventListener(java.lang.String eventTypeName, EventListener listener, java.lang.String uniqueID)
          Add a listener for events with type given by eventTypeName.
 void ApplicationView.removeEventListener(java.lang.String eventType, EventListener listener)
          Remove the given listener from the subscription list for events with type given by eventTypeName.
 void ApplicationView.postEvent(IEvent event)
          Post the given event to this ApplicationView, thus notifying any listeners listening on this ApplicationView for events with the type of the given event.

Constructors in com.bea.wlai.client that throw EventContextException
EventContext.EventContext(java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String sourceType, java.util.Hashtable env, java.lang.String jmsDestName)
          Deprecated. This method is too ambiguous because this Class now supports a JMS queue or topic as a destination.
EventContext.EventContext(java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String sourceType, java.util.Hashtable env, java.lang.String jmsDestName, boolean connect)
          Deprecated. This method is too ambiguous because this Class now supports a JMS queue or topic as a destination.
EventContext.EventContext(java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String sourceType, javax.naming.Context context, java.lang.String jmsDestName)
          Deprecated. This method is too ambiguous because this Class now supports a JMS queue or topic as a destination.
EventContext.EventContext(java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String sourceType, javax.naming.Context context, javax.jms.Topic jmsTopic)
          Deprecated. This method leaves the object in an un-initialized state if it is serialized because there is no way to re-establish the JMS Topic. Callers should use the constructor that specifies the JMS Topic JNDI name and let this instance lookup the Topic directly.
EventContext.EventContext(java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String sourceType, java.util.Hashtable env, java.lang.String jmsDestName, int jmsDestType, boolean bTransactedJMSSession)
          Get an EventContext object using the given JNDI context.
EventContext.EventContext(java.lang.String sourceKey, java.lang.String sourceType, javax.naming.Context context, java.lang.String jmsDestName, int jmsDestType, boolean bTransactedJMSSession)
          Get an EventContext object using the given JNDI context.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)