WebLogic Integration

Interface IServiceDescriptor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IServiceDescriptor
extends IPropertiedDescriptor, java.io.Serializable

Describes the metadata for a service on an ApplicationView, including the service's name, and document descriptors for both the request and response document types for the service. The request/response document descriptors define the content and structure for the request/response documents at runtime, respectively.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getInteractionSpecClassName()
          Get the name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.
 IDocumentDescriptor getRequestDocumentDescriptor()
          Get a descriptor for the request document required for this service.
 IDocumentDescriptor getResponseDocumentDescriptor()
          Get a descriptor for the response document returned from this service.
 boolean ownsRequestSchema()
 boolean ownsResponseSchema()
 void setInteractionSpecClassName(java.lang.String className)
          Set the name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.
 void setOwnsRequestSchemaFlag(boolean bOwns)
          Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the request schema it references; this flag is true by default.
 void setOwnsResponseSchemaFlag(boolean bOwns)
          Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the response schema it references; this flag is true by default.
 void setRequestDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor descriptor)
          Set the descriptor for the request document required for this service.
 void setResponseDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor descriptor)
          Set the descriptor for the response document returned from this service.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.IPropertiedDescriptor
addProperty, getProperty, listPropertyNames, removeProperty
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wlai.common.IDescriptor
fromXML, fromXML, fromXML, getDescription, getName, isReadOnly, makeReadOnly, setDescription, setName, toXML, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


public void setOwnsRequestSchemaFlag(boolean bOwns)
Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the request schema it references; this flag is true by default. Setting the flag to false indicates that the request schema is referenced by other components and not solely owned by this service


public boolean ownsRequestSchema()

true if this service owns the request schema it references, false otherwise.


public void setOwnsResponseSchemaFlag(boolean bOwns)
Sets a flag that indicates if this service owns the response schema it references; this flag is true by default. Setting the flag to false indicates that the response schema is referenced by other components and not solely owned by this service


public boolean ownsResponseSchema()

true if this service owns the response schema it references, false otherwise.


public IDocumentDescriptor getRequestDocumentDescriptor()
Get a descriptor for the request document required for this service.

An IDocumentDescriptor that describes the schema (structure and content) for the request document, and the root element name that all request documents for this service must have.


public void setRequestDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor descriptor)
Set the descriptor for the request document required for this service.

descriptor - An IDocumentDescriptor that describes the schema (structure and content) for the request document, and the root element name that all request documents for this service must have.


public IDocumentDescriptor getResponseDocumentDescriptor()
Get a descriptor for the response document returned from this service.

An IDocumentDescriptor that describes the schema (structure and content) for the response document, and the root element name that all response documents from this service will have.


public void setResponseDocumentDescriptor(IDocumentDescriptor descriptor)
Set the descriptor for the response document returned from this service.

descriptor - An IDocumentDescriptor that describes the schema (structure and content) for the response document, and the root element name that all request documents for this service will have.


public java.lang.String getInteractionSpecClassName()
Get the name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.

The name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.


public void setInteractionSpecClassName(java.lang.String className)
Set the name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.

className - The name of the class that implements the javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec interface for the adapter that will implement this service.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)