WebLogic Integration

Class LogManager


public class LogManager
extends java.lang.Object

A class used for logging messages with Loglevels of "debug", "info", "warning", "error" to a weblogic.common.T3Services log.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
static int DEBUG_LEVEL
static int ERROR_LEVEL
static int INFO_LEVEL
static int WARNING_LEVEL
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void debug(java.lang.String aMessageString)
          Log a debug message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.
static void error(java.lang.String aMessageString)
          Log an error message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.
static void error(java.lang.String aMessageString, java.lang.Throwable anException)
          Log an error message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.
static void info(java.lang.String aMessageString)
          Log a info message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.
static void initialize()
          Initialize the LogManager This connects to T3Services and LogServices in WebLogic Server.
static boolean isDebugEnabled()
          Determine whether a debug message will be logged or not.
static boolean isEnabled(int aMessageLevel)
          Determine whether a particular level of message will be logged or not.
static boolean isEnabled(java.lang.String aMessageLevel)
          Determine whether a particular level of message will be logged or not.
static boolean isErrorEnabled()
          Determine whether an error message will be logged or not.
static boolean isInfoEnabled()
          Determine whether an info message will be logged or not.
static boolean isWarningEnabled()
          Determine whether a warning message will be logged or not.
static void setLogLevel(int aLevel)
          Set the logging level
static void setLogLevel(java.lang.String aMessageLevel)
          Set the logging level
static void warning(java.lang.String aMessageString)
          Log an warning message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEBUG_LEVEL


public static final int INFO_LEVEL


public static final int WARNING_LEVEL


public static final int ERROR_LEVEL
Constructor Detail


public LogManager()
Method Detail


public static void initialize()
Initialize the LogManager This connects to T3Services and LogServices in WebLogic Server. This is called from WLAIStartup.


public static void debug(java.lang.String aMessageString)
Log a debug message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.

aMessageString - - the message to log.


public static void error(java.lang.String aMessageString,
                         java.lang.Throwable anException)
Log an error message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.

aMessageString - - a message to add to the log.
anException - - an exception to add to the log.


public static void error(java.lang.String aMessageString)
Log an error message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.

aMessageString - - a message to add to the log.


public static void info(java.lang.String aMessageString)
Log a info message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.

aMessageString - - the message to log.


public static void warning(java.lang.String aMessageString)
Log an warning message to the WebLogic Server logging facility.

aMessageString - - a message to add to the log.


public static boolean isEnabled(int aMessageLevel)
Determine whether a particular level of message will be logged or not. The message level must be greater than the current log level in order to be logged.


public static boolean isEnabled(java.lang.String aMessageLevel)
Determine whether a particular level of message will be logged or not. The message level must be greater than the current log level in order to be logged.


public static boolean isDebugEnabled()
Determine whether a debug message will be logged or not. The message level must be greater than the current log level in order to be logged.


public static boolean isInfoEnabled()
Determine whether an info message will be logged or not. The message level must be greater than the current log level in order to be logged.


public static boolean isWarningEnabled()
Determine whether a warning message will be logged or not. The message level must be greater than the current log level in order to be logged.


public static boolean isErrorEnabled()
Determine whether an error message will be logged or not. The message level must be greater than the current log level in order to be logged.


public static void setLogLevel(int aLevel)
Set the logging level


public static void setLogLevel(java.lang.String aMessageLevel)
Set the logging level

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)