WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.wlpi.client.common

Provides the WebLogic Process Integrator common client-side classes.


Class Summary
Attachments Layout constraints object used by AttachmentsLayout.
AttachmentsLayout A LayoutManager that uses attachments between components.
ColumnsDialog A dialog to allow a user to customize the columns displayed in a JTable.
ColumnsMenuItem Supports customization of JTables.
ColumnSorterMenu A JMenu that supports sorting of JTables.
CustomEventComboBoxRenderer A BasicComboBoxRenderer that paints the selected item from the list in the JComboBox field.
DOMNodeToOutputStream This class outputs a DOM node to a stream.
ExceptionHandler Reports exceptions in WebLogic Process Integrator clients.
ExtensionFileFilter FileChooser filter that discriminates by file extension.
GUID A utility class for generating global unique ID.
HelpListener Launches online help in an HTML browser or via JavaHelp.
ImageFactory A static factory class that creates and caches images and icons.
Logon A dialog to capture WebLogic Process Integrator user ID, password and server URL.
LookAndFeelMenu A JMenu that supports configuration of the pluggable Swing "Look And Feel."
MappedTableModel Abstract class to support mapping of table models.
MessageDialog A dialog to display a message in a scrollable text area.
Resources Manages localized resources used by WebLogic Process Integrator client classes.
SortableTableModel A sorter for TableModels.
Tasklist Displays a list of tasks for a user, role or workflow instance.
TaskPropertiesDialog A dialog to enable a user to update the properties and permission flags for a task.
TaskReassignDialog A dialog to enable a user to reassign a task to another user or role.
Version Provides version information about the client.
WATableColumnModel TableColumnModel implementation that supports persistence and header icons.
WLPI Provides a standard way to connect to a WebLogic Process Integrator server and access resources therein.
WLPISecurityManager Provides security for WLPI clients.
WorkflowStatusDialog A dialog that lists the tasks in a workflow instance and provides various commands to manipulate them.
XMLTemplate Internal use only.

Package com.bea.wlpi.client.common Description

Provides the WebLogic Process Integrator common client-side classes.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)