WebLogic Integration

Package com.bea.wlpi.common

Provides common classes used by both the WebLogic Process Integrator client and server.


Interface Summary
Messages Codes for language-independent server messaging.
Publishable Describes objects that can be included in a workflow application package.
WLPIConstants Defines constants used by both clients and server.

Class Summary
BusinessCalendarInfo Holds information about a business calendar.
ClassDescriptor Describes a server-side Java class.
ClassInvocationDescriptor Describes and implements the invocation of a method in an arbitrary Java class.
EJBDescriptor Describes an Enterprise Java Bean.
EJBInvocationDescriptor Describes and implements the invocation of a method in an arbitrary Enterprise Java Bean.
EventKeyInfo Holds information about an XML event key.
InstanceInfo Holds information about a workflow instance.
LongStrings Supports serialization for strings, including those which exceed 64Kbytes in length when UTF-8 encoded.
MethodDescriptor Describes a method on a server-side Java class.
OrganizationInfo Holds information about an organization.
PackageEntry This class represents a single entry in a publish package JAR file.
PublishPackage This class represents all the entries to be included in a publish package JAR file.
RepositoryFolderInfoHelper This is an auxilliary class for com.bea.eci.repository.helper.RepositoryFolderInfo used solely for Import/Export purposes.
RerouteInfo Holds information about a task reroute.
RoleInfo Holds information about a workflow role.
TaskInfo Holds information about a workflow task.
TemplateDefinitionInfo Holds information about a workflow template definition.
TemplateInfo Holds information about a workflow template.
UserInfo Holds information about a workflow user.
VariableInfo Holds information about a workflow variable.
VersionInfo Holds information about a version number.
XMLEntityInfoHelper This is an auxilliary class for com.bea.eci.repository.helper.XMLEntityInfo used solely for Import/Export purposes.
XMLParserHelper Provide a helper class for getting XML parser.
XMLProxy Provide a proxy to delegate XML parsing.

Exception Summary
WorkflowException Encapsulates exceptions encountered when executing a remote EJB call.

Package com.bea.wlpi.common Description

Provides common classes used by both the WebLogic Process Integrator client and server. All members of this package are serializable to enable them to be exchanged between client and server. Their primary purpose is to eliminate unnecessary 'read-only' remote method calls.

Those classes whose names follow the xxxInfo pattern hold values from various server-side objects (including entity EJBs used internally): all such classes override the boolean equals(Object) and implement the comparable interface. Homogeneous collections containing objects of this class may, therefore, be searched and sorted using the Collection.contains(Object), List.indexOf(Object), Collections.sort(List) methods. Note that only in those cases where the natural ordering of the object (as implemented by the boolean compareTo(Object) method) is based on the same field as that used by the boolean equals(Object) method, may the int Collections.binarySearch(List, Object) be used for rapidly searching a list that has previously been sorted using the Collections.sort(List) method.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)