WebLogic Integration

Class WLXT


public class WLXT
extends java.lang.Object
implements com.bea.wlxt.XT

BEA WebLogic XML/non-XML Translator (WLXT) is a data translation engine. WLXT is capable of translating binary data to XML or translating XML data to a binary format.

Binary data is translated to XML according to an Message Format Language (MFL) document. MFL is an XML language that describes the organization and layout of binary data in terms of structures and fields. WLXT can convert binary data to XML using an MFL document. WLXT can also serialize XML data to a binary format that is described by a MFL document. The FormatBuilder GUI tool is used to create MFL documents.

To translate binary data to XML:

  1. Use FormatBuilder to document the layout of the binary data.
  2. Invoke one of WLXT's parse() methods with the MFL document (by URL) and an instance of the binary data. A Document object is returned.
To translate XML to binary:1
  1. Use FormatBuilder to document the layout of the binary data.
  2. Invoke one of WLXT's serialize() methods with the MFL document (by URL), the XML data, and an OutputStream. The XML data is translated to the binary and written to the given OutputStream.
For better performance, initialize the WLXT object with MFL documents via one of the init() methods. This allows the MFL documents to be pre-parsed and cached.

WLXT can also be used to perform XSLT transformations. WLXT includes several transform() methods that will apply an XSL stylesheet to a given XML document.

Any product that redistributes this component should reproduce the Apache Software License copyright in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Summary
          Construct an WLXT object
Method Summary
 void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI)
          Add a MFL document to the cache.
 void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI, org.xml.sax.InputSource mflInput)
          Add a MFL document to the cache.
 void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI, java.io.InputStream mflInput)
 void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI, com.bea.wlxt.mfl.MFLRoot mfl)
          Add a MFL document to the cache.
 void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI, java.io.Reader mflInput)
static void addNewDataType(java.lang.String name, Bintype binType)
          Add a new User Defined Type to the WLXT runtime engine.
 void addStylesheet(java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
          Add a single stylesheet to the cache.
 void addStylesheet(java.net.URL stylesheetURI, org.xml.sax.InputSource stylesheetInput)
          Add a single stylesheet to the cache.
static void checkDeveloperLicense()
 void clearMFLCache()
          Clear the MFL cache to that new documents will be fully parsed.
 java.lang.String extractEncodingFromXMLSource(java.io.File file)
          This method extracts the xml declaration from a File object and passes it to the overloaded version of the method as a String.
 java.lang.String extractEncodingFromXMLSource(java.lang.String text)
          This method takes a String of a file's content, and extracts the encoding name.
 java.lang.String extractEncodingFromXMLSource(java.net.URL mflDoc)
          This method extracts the xml declaration from a URL object and passes it to the overloaded version of the method as a String.
 com.bea.wlxt.mfl.MFLRoot getMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI)
static java.lang.String getXMLText(org.w3c.dom.Document document, int initialIndent, int indent)
          Convert a DOM Document object to XML text.
 void init(java.util.Properties properties)
          Initialize the WLXT with a Properties object.
 void init(java.lang.String filename)
          Initialize WLXT with a Properties file.
 org.w3c.dom.Document parse(java.net.URL mflURI, java.io.InputStream binaryInput, java.io.PrintWriter debug)
          Parse binary data given in binaryInput argument using the MFL document specified by mflURI.
 org.w3c.dom.Document parse(java.net.URL mflURI, java.io.InputStream binaryInput, java.lang.String dtdSystemId, java.io.PrintWriter debug)
          Parse binary data given in binaryInput argument using the MFL document specified by mflURI.
 org.w3c.dom.Document parse(java.net.URL mflURI, java.io.InputStream binaryInput, java.lang.String defaultNamespace, java.lang.String schemaLocation, java.io.PrintWriter debug)
          Parse binary data given in binaryInput argument using the MFL document specified by mflURI.
static void printDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document document, java.io.PrintWriter out)
          Convert a DOM Document object to XML text.
static void printDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document document, java.io.PrintWriter out, int initialIndent, int indent)
          Convert a DOM Document object to XML text.
static void printDOM(org.w3c.dom.Node node, java.io.PrintWriter out, int level, int initialIndent, int indent, java.lang.String encoding)
 void reinit(java.util.Properties properties)
          Reinitialize the entire cache.
 void reinitStylesheet(java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
          Reinitialize a single stylesheet.
static void removeDataType(java.lang.String name)
          Remove a User Defined Type from the WLXT engine.
 void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI, org.w3c.dom.Document document, java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput, java.io.PrintWriter debug)
          Serialize the XML data (given in document argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
 void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI, org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput, java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput)
          Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
 void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI, org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput, java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput, java.io.PrintWriter debug)
          Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
 void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI, java.io.InputStream xmlInput, java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput)
          Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
 void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI, java.io.InputStream xmlInput, java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput, java.io.PrintWriter debug)
          Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI).
static java.lang.String stringDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, int initIndent, int indent)
          Convert a DOM Document object to an XML String.
static java.lang.String stringDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, int initIndent, int indent, java.lang.String encoding)
          Convert a DOM Document object to an XML String.
 void transform(org.w3c.dom.Document document, java.io.OutputStream out, java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
          Perform an XSLT transformation on the document argument using the specified stylesheet.
 org.w3c.dom.Document transform(org.w3c.dom.Document document, java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
          Perform an XSLT transformation on the document argument using the specified stylesheet.
 void transform(org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput, java.io.OutputStream out, java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
          Perform an XSLT transformation on the XML input argument using the specified stylesheet.
 org.w3c.dom.Document transform(org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput, java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
          Perform an XSLT transformation on the document argument using the specified stylesheet.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WLXT()
     throws java.lang.RuntimeException
Construct an WLXT object

Note: License checking is performed at construction. RuntimeException is thrown if license is invalid.

Method Detail


public void init(java.util.Properties properties)
          throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Initialize the WLXT with a Properties object.
Specified by:
init in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

properties - Properties object containing the property 'WLXT.stylesheets' and/or 'WLXT.MFLDocuments'.
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing a specified stylesheet or MFL document.
See Also:


public void init(java.lang.String filename)
          throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Initialize WLXT with a Properties file. The properties file should contain the property 'WLXT.stylesheets' and/or 'WLXT.MFLDocuments'. The stylesheets listed in the 'WLXT.stylesheets' property are precompiled and cached internally. The MFL documents listed in the 'WLXT.MFLDocument' property are also precompiled and cached internally.
Specified by:
init in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

filename - The name of the properties file
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing a specified stylesheet or MFL document.


public void reinitStylesheet(java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
                      throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Reinitialize a single stylesheet. This method causes the specified stylesheet to be reloaded into the cache.
Specified by:
reinitStylesheet in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing the specified stylesheet.
See Also:


public void reinit(java.util.Properties properties)
            throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Reinitialize the entire cache. This method causes all stylesheets and MFL documents to be reloaded into the cache. The properties object should contain the property 'WLXT.stylesheets' and/or 'WLXT.MFLDocuments'.
Specified by:
reinit in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

properties - Properties object containing the property WLXT.stylesheets and/or WLXT.MFLDocuments
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing a specified stylesheet or MFL document.


public void addStylesheet(java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
                   throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Add a single stylesheet to the cache. This method causes the specified stylesheet to be added into the XSLTWrapper object's cache.
Specified by:
addStylesheet in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing the specified stylesheet.
See Also:


public void addStylesheet(java.net.URL stylesheetURI,
                          org.xml.sax.InputSource stylesheetInput)
                   throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Add a single stylesheet to the cache. The user can supply the InputSource for the content of the stylesheet. This method causes the specified stylesheet to be added into the XSLTWrapper object's cache.
Specified by:
addStylesheet in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet
stylesheetInput - The InputSource for the stylesheet
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing the specified stylesheet.
See Also:


public void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI)
                    throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Add a MFL document to the cache. This method causes the specified MFL document to be parsed and added to the WLXT object's cache. If a MFL Document has previously been added using this URI, the previous document is replaced.
Specified by:
addMFLDocument in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - The unique resource identifier for the MFL document
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing the specified MFL document.
See Also:


public void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI,
                           org.xml.sax.InputSource mflInput)
                    throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Add a MFL document to the cache. The user can supply the InputSource for the content of the MFL document. This method causes the specified MFL document to be parsed and added to the WLXT object's cache. If a MFL Document has previously been added using this URI, the previous document is replaced.
Specified by:
addMFLDocument in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - The unique resource identifier for the MFL document
mflInput - The InputSource for the content of the MFL document
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing the specified MFL document.
See Also:


public void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI,
                           com.bea.wlxt.mfl.MFLRoot mfl)
                    throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Add a MFL document to the cache. The user can supply the InputSource for the content of the MFL document. This method causes the specified MFL document to be parsed and added to the WLXT object's cache. If a MFL Document has previously been added using this URI, the previous document is replaced.

mflURI - The unique resource identifier for the MFL document
mflInput - The InputSource for the content of the MFL document
com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException - If an error occurs accessing the specified MFL document.
See Also:


public void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI,
                           java.io.InputStream mflInput)
                    throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Specified by:
addMFLDocument in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT


public void addMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI,
                           java.io.Reader mflInput)
                    throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Specified by:
addMFLDocument in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT


public java.lang.String extractEncodingFromXMLSource(java.io.File file)
                                              throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
This method extracts the xml declaration from a File object and passes it to the overloaded version of the method as a String. Call the overloaded version if you already have a String of the file contents. The overloaded version extractEncodingFromXMLSource(String) is responsible for extracting the encoding, or setting it to a default value if none is found in the document header. The default value is currently the machine's default encoding (usually windows-1252).

file - is a java.io.File
a String of the encoding name (an IANA encoding name, not JAVA).


public java.lang.String extractEncodingFromXMLSource(java.net.URL mflDoc)
                                              throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
This method extracts the xml declaration from a URL object and passes it to the overloaded version of the method as a String. Call the overloaded version if you already have a String of the file contents. The overloaded version extractEncodingFromXMLSource(String) is responsible for extracting the encoding, or setting it to a default value if none is found in the document header. The default value is currently the machine's default encoding (usually windows-1252).

file - is a java.io.File
a String of the encoding name (an IANA encoding name, not JAVA).


public java.lang.String extractEncodingFromXMLSource(java.lang.String text)
This method takes a String of a file's content, and extracts the encoding name.

text - is a String of the file's text.
a String of the xml file's encoding. If no encoding declaration is found, we currently return the machine's encoding.


public void clearMFLCache()
Clear the MFL cache to that new documents will be fully parsed.
Specified by:
clearMFLCache in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT


public com.bea.wlxt.mfl.MFLRoot getMFLDocument(java.net.URL mflDocumentURI)
                                        throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException


public org.w3c.dom.Document parse(java.net.URL mflURI,
                                  java.io.InputStream binaryInput,
                                  java.io.PrintWriter debug)
                           throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Parse binary data given in binaryInput argument using the MFL document specified by mflURI. The resulting DOM object is returned to the caller.

No DTD or schema reference is output in the resulting XML.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
parse in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to parse binary data
binaryInput - InputStream of binary data that should be converted to XML
debug - PrintWriter to be used to display parse debug information. May be null to disable debug information.
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the binary data to XML


public org.w3c.dom.Document parse(java.net.URL mflURI,
                                  java.io.InputStream binaryInput,
                                  java.lang.String dtdSystemId,
                                  java.io.PrintWriter debug)
                           throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Parse binary data given in binaryInput argument using the MFL document specified by mflURI. The resulting DOM object is returned to the caller.

This method has a system id parameter that allows the user to specify the document type definition for the doctype element of the resulting XML.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
parse in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to parse binary data
binaryInput - InputStream of binary data that should be converted to XML
dtdSystemId - The system id of the Document Type Definition. This id will be output in the DOCTYPE element of the resulting XML.
debug - PrintWriter to be used to display parse debug information. May be null to disable debug information.
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the binary data to XML


public org.w3c.dom.Document parse(java.net.URL mflURI,
                                  java.io.InputStream binaryInput,
                                  java.lang.String defaultNamespace,
                                  java.lang.String schemaLocation,
                                  java.io.PrintWriter debug)
                           throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Parse binary data given in binaryInput argument using the MFL document specified by mflURI. The resulting DOM object is returned to the caller.

This method has default namespace parameter that causes the resulting XML to output a default namespace in the root node of the document. This method also has a schema location parameter cause the resulting XML to reference a schema as its content model.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
parse in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to parse binary data
binaryInput - InputStream of binary data that should be converted to XML
defaultNamespace - can be null, if not null causes a default namespace to be declared in the root node of the resulting XML
schemaLocation - causes a reference to the specified schema to be output in the root node of the resulting XML
debug - PrintWriter to be used to display parse debug information. May be null to disable debug information.
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the binary data to XML


public void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI,
                      org.w3c.dom.Document document,
                      java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput,
                      java.io.PrintWriter debug)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Serialize the XML data (given in document argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI). Each node of XML data is converted to the binary format specified by the MFL FieldFormat of the identical name. The order and grouping of the XML nodes must match the order and sequence specified in the MFL document.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
serialize in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to convert the XML data to the binary format
document - XML data that is to be converted to a binary format
binaryOutput - OutputStream that is to contain the binary data
debug - PrintWriter to be used to display (or log) debug information. May be null to disable debug information.
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the XML data to the binary format


public void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI,
                      java.io.InputStream xmlInput,
                      java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI). Each node of XML data is converted to the binary format specified by the MFL FieldFormat of the identical name. The order and grouping of the XML nodes must match the order and sequence specified in the MFL document.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
serialize in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to convert the XML data to the binary format
xmlInput - XML data that is to be converted to a binary format
binaryOutput - OutputStream that is to contain the binary data
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the XML data to the binary format


public void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI,
                      org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput,
                      java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI). Each node of XML data is converted to the binary format specified by the MFL FieldFormat of the identical name. The order and grouping of the XML nodes must match the order and sequence specified in the MFL document.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
serialize in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to convert the XML data to the binary format
xmlInput - XML data that is to be converted to a binary format
binaryOutput - OutputStream that is to contain the binary data
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the XML data to the binary format


public void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI,
                      java.io.InputStream xmlInput,
                      java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput,
                      java.io.PrintWriter debug)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI). Each node of XML data is converted to the binary format specified by the MFL FieldFormat of the identical name. The order and grouping of the XML nodes must match the order and sequence specified in the MFL document.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
serialize in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to convert the XML data to the binary format
xmlInput - XML data that is to be converted to a binary format
binaryOutput - OutputStream that is to contain the binary data
debug - PrintWriter to be used to display (or log) debug information. May be null to disable debug information.
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the XML data to the binary format


public void serialize(java.net.URL mflURI,
                      org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput,
                      java.io.OutputStream binaryOutput,
                      java.io.PrintWriter debug)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Serialize the XML data (given in xmlInput argument) to the binary format specified by the MFL document (mflURI). Each node of XML data is converted to the binary format specified by the MFL FieldFormat of the identical name. The order and grouping of the XML nodes must match the order and sequence specified in the MFL document.

If the MFL document is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.

Specified by:
serialize in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

mflURI - URL to MFL document that should be used to convert the XML data to the binary format
xmlInput - XML data that is to be converted to a binary format
binaryOutput - OutputStream that is to contain the binary data
debug - PrintWriter to be used to display (or log) debug information. May be null to disable debug information.
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs converting the XML data to the binary format


public void transform(org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput,
                      java.io.OutputStream out,
                      java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Perform an XSLT transformation on the XML input argument using the specified stylesheet. The result of the transformation is written to the output stream parameter. If the stylesheet is not found in the cache, then it will be automatically processed and added to the cache.
Specified by:
transform in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

xmlInput - XML input to XSLT transformation
out - Output stream where the result of transformation is written.
stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet to use for the transformation
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs performing the XSLT transformation
See Also:
InputSource, URL


public void transform(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
                      java.io.OutputStream out,
                      java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Perform an XSLT transformation on the document argument using the specified stylesheet. The result of the transformation is put in the result parameter.
Specified by:
transform in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

document - DOM Document object to be transformed
out - Output stream where the result of transformation is written.
stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet to use for the transformation
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs performing the XSLT transformation
See Also:
Document, URL


public org.w3c.dom.Document transform(org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlInput,
                                      java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
                               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Perform an XSLT transformation on the document argument using the specified stylesheet. The result of the transformation is returned.
Specified by:
transform in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

xmlInput - XML input to XSLT transformation
stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet to use for the transformation
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs performing the XSLT transformation
See Also:
Document, URL


public org.w3c.dom.Document transform(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
                                      java.net.URL stylesheetURI)
                               throws com.bea.wlxt.WLXTException
Perform an XSLT transformation on the document argument using the specified stylesheet. The result of the transformation is returned.
Specified by:
transform in interface com.bea.wlxt.XT

document - DOM Document object to be transformed
stylesheetURI - The unique resource identifier for the stylesheet to use for the transformation
java.io.WLXTException - If an error occurs performing the XSLT transformation
See Also:
Document, URL


public static java.lang.String stringDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
                                         int initIndent,
                                         int indent)
Convert a DOM Document object to an XML String.

document - DOM Document object to be
initialIndent - The number of columns the top level element should be indented.
indent - The number of columns each child element should be indented.
See Also:


public static java.lang.String stringDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
                                         int initIndent,
                                         int indent,
                                         java.lang.String encoding)
Convert a DOM Document object to an XML String.

document - DOM Document object to be
initialIndent - The number of columns the top level element should be indented.
indent - The number of columns each child element should be indented.
See Also:


public static void printDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
                            java.io.PrintWriter out)
Convert a DOM Document object to XML text.

document - DOM Document object to be
out - PrintWriter that text is to be written to
See Also:


public static void printDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
                            java.io.PrintWriter out,
                            int initialIndent,
                            int indent)
Convert a DOM Document object to XML text.

document - DOM Document object to be
out - PrintWriter that text is to be written to
initialIndent - The number of columns the top level element should be indented.
indent - The number of columns each child element should be indented.
See Also:


public static void printDOM(org.w3c.dom.Node node,
                            java.io.PrintWriter out,
                            int level,
                            int initialIndent,
                            int indent,
                            java.lang.String encoding)


public static java.lang.String getXMLText(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
                                          int initialIndent,
                                          int indent)
Convert a DOM Document object to XML text.

document - DOM Document object to be
out - PrintWriter that text is to be written to
initialIndent - The number of columns the top level element should be indented.
indent - The number of columns each child element should be indented.
See Also:


public static void addNewDataType(java.lang.String name,
                                  Bintype binType)
Add a new User Defined Type to the WLXT runtime engine.

name - The name of the User Defined Type.
binType - A reference to an object derived from class com.bea.wlxt.bintype.Bintype which implements the UDT.


public static void removeDataType(java.lang.String name)
Remove a User Defined Type from the WLXT engine.

name - The name of the User Defined Type as passed to addNewDataType.


public static void checkDeveloperLicense()
                                  throws com.bea.wlxt.LicenseException

WebLogic Integration

WebLogic Integration (WLI)