Content Management Guide

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Caching Content

After you have moved your portal application into production, you can use the Portal Administration Console to edit and maintain content within the content repository; you can update personalization features such as content selectors and placeholders; and you can change your repository caching.

For information about adding and modifying content, see Chapter 10, “Adding Content to a BEA Repository”.

For information about modifying content selectors or placeholders, see the WebLogic Portal Interaction Management Guide.

Caching content can improve the performance of your portal. You can create a cache of recently accessed content that can be quickly retrieved. You can increase the cache settings or decrease them as necessary. Cache settings are configured on a repository-basis.

To modify a cache settings for a repository:

  1. From the main menu of the Portal Administration Console, select Content > Content Management.
  2. Select Manage | Repositories.
  3. Click the repository you want to modify.
  4. In the Advanced section, click Advanced.
  5. In the Edit Advanced Properties for Repository dialog, modify binary and node caches as required.
  6. When finished making changes, click Save.

A summary of the edited repository information is displayed in the Summary page.

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