Customizing the Portal Administration Console

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Introduction to Portal Administration Console

The WebLogic Portal Administration Console is the tool that portal administrators use to control the behavior, content, and appearance of portals, and to perform many traditional system administration activities such as user management and security management.

The WebLogic Portal Administration Console is organized according to the following categories of tasks:

The Administration Console is a portal application and is built with the portal framework. Using this framework, you can customize the Administration Console by changing the look and feel of your Administration Console, adding new portlets (extending) to the Administration Console, or re-using Administration Console portlets within a separate portal application.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Document Scope and Audience

This document is a resource for software developers who want to customize how the Portal Administration Console is used. It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with using WebLogic Portal to develop portal applications.


Getting Started

Before you begin working with the Portal Administration Console, you should be familiar with working with WebLogic Portal applications. WebLogic Portal provides specific documentation on developing portals, portlets, and deploying portal applications. It is recommended that you become familiar with the following guides and their tasks before customizing your Administration Console.


In This Guide

This guide includes the following chapters:

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