Getting Started

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Getting Started With WebLogic Portal

This guide includes the following topics to help you get started using WebLogic Portal:


Installing WebLogic Portal

WebLogic Portal is packaged with the BEA Installer. The installer steps you through the process of installing WebLogic Portal and includes options for customizing the installation. For detailed information on using the installer, see the BEA Products Installation Guide.

Tip: You can also install WebLogic Portal by adding it as a plugin to an existing Eclipse installation. The Workshop for WebLogic Platform document, Adding Workshop for WebLogic to an Existing Eclipse Installation, explains the procedure.


Supported Configurations

For information about the hardware and software configurations supported by BEA WebLogic Portal, refer to the document Supported Configurations for WebLogic Server. This document describes supported operating systems, web servers, browsers, firewalls, database configurations, and other tools and configurations.



If you are upgrading your WebLogic Portal installation to a new version, refer to the WebLogic Portal Upgrade Guide for detailed information.


Your Team Development Environment

If you are new to WebLogic Portal, you need to consider and plan for a team development environment. The chapter "Managing a Team Development Environment" in the Production Operations Guide, shows you how to configure, store, and manage a common development domain, database data, and portal applications in source control, letting you quickly and consistently develop, build, and update your portal applications. The chapter also discusses sharing portal resources, managing databases, and best coding practices.


Starting Workshop for WebLogic Platform

Workshop for WebLogic provides an Eclipse-based IDE for developing WebLogic Portal applications. On Windows systems, you can start Workshop for WebLogic by selecting the Start > All Programs > BEA Products menu. You can also find the Workshop for WebLogic executable file in BEA_HOME/workshop_10.0/workshop4WP.


Using WebLogic Portal

If you are new to WebLogic Portal, a short tutorial is provided to help you get started. See Tutorials - Getting Started with WebLogic Portal for more information. The tutorials discuss setting up a portal development environment, creating a portal, and assembling a desktop in your staging environment.

Tip: If you are unfamiliar with the Eclipse development environment on which Workshop for WebLogic is based, the tutorial "Getting Started with BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform" located in the BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform User's Guide, is highly recommended; the tutorial shows you how to start Workshop for WebLogic and navigate the workbench user interface, introduces terminology associated with the workbench, and shows you how to create a simple web application.

The WebLogic Portal Overview provides a starting point for understanding and developing applications with WebLogic Portal. This chapter introduces portal concepts, describes the WebLogic Portal infrastructure framework and business services, and describes the portal life cycle, from architecture through development, staging, and production. The remaining chapters in this guide describe each phase of the life cycle in detail and provide a starting point for using WebLogic Portal.

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