GroupSpace Guide

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Creating a GroupSpace Community Template

After you create a GroupSpace-enabled web application in Workshop for WebLogic (see Working with GroupSpace in Development), use the Administration Console to create a GroupSpace Community template. A Community template is a packaged set of resources you can use to build a project management or collaboration application. You can create a GroupSpace Community template and use that template to create a new GroupSpace Community without writing additional code.

When you create a Community template, you can choose to use an existing Community template or Community template metadata file, you can select resources in the library, or you can use a .portal file. The most common method is to use an existing .ctmeta file to create your Community template. If you are creating a GroupSpace Community, you must use an existing .ctmeta file.

This chapter contains the following topics:


Creating a GroupSpace Community Template

See the QuickStart: Creating a GroupSpace Community chapter.


Propagating GroupSpace Communities

You cannot propagate a GroupSpace Community from staging to production. You can only propagate Community templates.

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