Class OrderPoolImpl

  extended by com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.engine.pool.OrderPoolImpl
All Implemented Interfaces
OrderPool, Pool

Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

public class OrderPoolImpl
extends Object
implements OrderPool

Represents a collection of PoolObject(s). The ItemPoolImpl interface provides methods for querying the underlying objects and also to remove objects from the working collection.

Field Summary
static String cName
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static int LONG
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static int SHORT
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
OrderPoolImpl(com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.internal.PricingContext context, Quote quote)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Method Summary
 void adjust(List poolObjects, AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 void adjust(PoolObject object, AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 OrderQuery getByPrice(OrderQuery aQuery)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 String getCurrency()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 int getCurrentSize()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 AdjustmentDetail getDetail(AdjustmentType type, Money initialPrice, Money endPrice, String computation, String reason, Object discountID)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 Quote getQuote()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 void remove(Iterator poolObjects)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 void remove(PoolObject anObject)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 void set(com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.internal.PricingContext context, Quote quote)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 String toString()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 String toString(int type)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String cName
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int SHORT
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int LONG
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public OrderPoolImpl()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


public OrderPoolImpl(com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.internal.PricingContext context,
                     Quote quote)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Method Detail


public void set(com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.service.internal.PricingContext context,
                Quote quote)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
set in interface OrderPool


public int getCurrentSize()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
getCurrentSize in interface OrderPool


public Quote getQuote()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
getQuote in interface OrderPool


public String getCurrency()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
getCurrency in interface Pool


public AdjustmentDetail getDetail(AdjustmentType type,
                                  Money initialPrice,
                                  Money endPrice,
                                  String computation,
                                  String reason,
                                  Object discountID)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
getDetail in interface Pool


public OrderQuery getByPrice(OrderQuery aQuery)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Perform the query as specified by the query object passed in and return the query object with the results added. If the query is satisfied the list of reply sets must have a 1 to 1 correspondence between each query spec for the qualifier or target.

Specified by:
getByPrice in interface OrderPool


public void adjust(PoolObject object,
                   AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Adjust the price of a PoolObject as specified in the AdjustmentDetail.

Specified by:
adjust in interface Pool
object - the PoolObject to adjust the price of.
aDetail - the AdjustmentDetail to apply to the object.


public void adjust(List poolObjects,
                   AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Adjust the price of a List of PoolObject as specified in the AdjustmentDetail.

Specified by:
adjust in interface Pool
poolObject - a List of PoolObjects to adjust.
aDetail - the AdjustmentDetail to apply to the objects.


public void remove(PoolObject anObject)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
remove in interface Pool
OrderObject - the object to be removed from the collection.
See Also


public void remove(Iterator poolObjects)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
remove in interface Pool
List - a set of PoolObjects to be removed from the collection.
See Also


public String toString()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

toString in class Object


public String toString(int type)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Specified by:
toString in interface OrderPool

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