Class CapabilityRoleBootstrapper

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.capabilities.CapabilityRoleBootstrapper

public class CapabilityRoleBootstrapper
extends Object

Utility class that can be used to create role policies based on the set of defined Community capabilities as configured in communities-config.xml. This class can be used at app deployment or configuration time to create default role policies that allow communities applications to perform isUserInRole calls that are based on expression based roles that use the current user's CommunityContext to reference capabilities that cause the role evaluation to map to whether or not that user has the specified capability in the current community.

Field Summary
          Expression used to create the membership policy.
          The role name for the membership policy.
          Expression prefix for the expressions used to create capability policies.
          Expression suffix for the expressions used to create capability policies.
static String ROLE_NAME_PREFIX
          The role name prefix for use in creating all of the capability policies.
Constructor Summary
CapabilityRoleBootstrapper(String entAppName, P13nContextHandler p13nContextHandler)
          Creates a CapabilityRoleBootstrapper that is targetted at an enterprise application and that uses the default role policy expression prefix and suffix and role name prefix for create and remove role policy operations.
CapabilityRoleBootstrapper(String entAppName, String roleNamePrefix, String roleExpressionPrefix, String roleExpressionSuffix, String membershipRoleName, String membershipRoleExpression, P13nContextHandler p13nContextHandler)
          Creates a CapabilityRoleBootstrapper that is targetted at an enterprise application and that uses the specified role expression prefix and suffix and the specified role name prefix for creating and removing role policies.
Method Summary
 void bootstrapApplicationRoles()
          Creates role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml.
 void bootstrapRoles(String webappName)
          Creates role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml.
 void removeBootstrappedRoles()
          Removes app scoped role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml.
 void removeBootstrappedRoles(String webappName)
          Removes role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String ROLE_EXPRESSION_PREFIX
Expression prefix for the expressions used to create capability policies. This is meant to be able to append the capability name followed by the role expression suffix to form a complete, distinct policy expression that specifies at least a capability from the CommunityPropertySet. This can be used as is or overridden using the alternate constructor.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ROLE_EXPRESSION_SUFFIX
Expression suffix for the expressions used to create capability policies. This is meant to be able to appended to the expression prefix and capability name to form a complete, distinct policy expression that specifies at least a capability from the CommunityPropertySet. This can be used as is or overridden using the alternate constructor.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String MEMBERSHIP_ROLE_EXPRESSION
Expression used to create the membership policy. The default version just checks to see if the membership property of the CommunityPropertySet returns true. This can be used as is or overridden using the altnernate constructor.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String MEMBERSHIP_ROLE_NAME
The role name for the membership policy. This can be used as is, or overridden using the altnernate constructor.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ROLE_NAME_PREFIX
The role name prefix for use in creating all of the capability policies. This prefix is appended to each MembershipCapability canonical name to form the complete policy name. This can be used as is or overridden using the alternate constructor.

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public CapabilityRoleBootstrapper(String entAppName,
                                  P13nContextHandler p13nContextHandler)
Creates a CapabilityRoleBootstrapper that is targetted at an enterprise application and that uses the default role policy expression prefix and suffix and role name prefix for create and remove role policy operations. Use this form of the constructor if there is no need to customize either the role policy expressions or the role name prefix. Resulting role policy names for this default will be like this for capabilities creator and owner: communityCapabilityRole_creator communityCapabilityRole_owner and like this for the membership role: communityMembershipRole

entAppName - the targetted enterprise application name
p13nContextHandler - the P13nContextHandler of the calling user, needed if the admin role applicable to the caller is expression based, otherwise can be null


public CapabilityRoleBootstrapper(String entAppName,
                                  String roleNamePrefix,
                                  String roleExpressionPrefix,
                                  String roleExpressionSuffix,
                                  String membershipRoleName,
                                  String membershipRoleExpression,
                                  P13nContextHandler p13nContextHandler)
Creates a CapabilityRoleBootstrapper that is targetted at an enterprise application and that uses the specified role expression prefix and suffix and the specified role name prefix for creating and removing role policies. Use this form of the constructor if either the role expressions or the role names need to be customized from the default. The resulting role policy expressions will take the form of roleExpressionPrefix + capability canonical name + roleExpressionSuffix. The resulting role names will take the form of roleNamePrefix + capability canonical name

entAppName - the enterprise app to bootstrap role policies to
roleNamePrefix - the String prefix for all created capability role policies. If null set to default.
roleExpressionPrefix - the expression prefix for all created capability role policies. If null set to default.
roleExpressionSuffix - the expression suffix for all created cabability role policies. If null set to default.
membershipRoleName - the role policy name for the created membership role. If null set to default.
membershipRoleExpression - the expression for the created membership role. If null set to default.
p13nContextHandler - the P13nContextHandler of the calling user, needed if the admin role applicable to the caller is expression based, otherwise can be null
Method Detail


public void bootstrapRoles(String webappName)
                    throws com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.PolicyCreateException,
Creates role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml. The caller is responsible for ensuring the appropriate security environment as required for the successful insertion of new role policies, typically by calling this method after being logged in as an administrator or other principal that is authorized to manage role policies. Role policies created with this method will be webapp scoped.

webappName - webapp to create these role policies for. If null, role policies are ent app scoped


public void bootstrapApplicationRoles()
                               throws com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.PolicyCreateException,
Creates role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml. The caller is responsible for ensuring the appropriate security environment as required for the successful insertion of new role policies, typically by calling this method after being logged in as an administrator or other principal that is authorized to manage role policies. Role policies created with this method will be application scoped.



public void removeBootstrappedRoles(String webappName)
                             throws com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.PolicyRemoveException
Removes role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml. The caller is responsible for ensuring the appropriate security environment as required for the successful removal of these role policies, typically by calling this method after being logged in as an administrator or other principal that is authorized to manage role policies.

webappName - webapp to create these role policies for. If null, role policies are ent app scoped


public void removeBootstrappedRoles()
                             throws com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.PolicyRemoveException
Removes app scoped role policies for each of the defined MembershipCapabilites as configured in communities-config.xml. The caller is responsible for ensuring the appropriate security environment as required for the successful removal of these role policies, typically by calling this method after being logged in as an administrator or other principal that is authorized to manage role policies. Use this remove method if original role policies were created with bootstrapApplicationRoles


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