Interface IShellDefinitionManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IShellDefinitionManager

This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on ShellDefinitions. In general this interface provides coarse grain getters and fine grain setters.

It is important to note that all methods on this interface are fully internationalized and entitled. All titles and descriptions on the objects returned by these methods are internationalized to the preferred locale. Also, all methods are entitled, meaning if the caller does not have the required credentials the method may return a subset of the actual list or be unable to perform the specified function.

"Definitions" can be thought of as objects in the library. Objects in the library are not associated to any one Desktop. In other words definitions can be placed on zero or more desktops and changes made in the library (to the definitions) are cascaded down to object on the desktops. If you are only interested in affecting a single desktop then use the PortalCustomizationManager and make changes to the "Instances".

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 PlaceableInstance addPlaceable(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId, boolean isHeader, PlaceableDefinitionId placeableDefinitionId, PlaceholderDefinitionId placeholderDefinitionId, int position)
          Create a new instance of a placeable (portlet or book) by placing the definition in a placeholder in the header or footer layout of the shell.
 ShellDefinition createShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinition shellDefinition)
          Creates a new ShellView Definition with its placeholders.
 void deleteShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId)
          Delete a shell definition.
 void deleteShellDefinitionWithReplacement(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinitionId deleteShellDefinitionId, ShellDefinitionId replacementShellDefinitionId)
          Delete a shell definition and replace any uses of that shell with a replacement shell.
 ShellDefinition getShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning a single ShellDefinition object given a supplied shell definition identifier.
 ShellDefinition getShellDefinitionFromFile(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String shellFile, String webAppName)
          Return a shell definition with the shellFile equal to the supplied filePath.
 ShellDefinitionId getShellDefinitionId(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String markupName, String webAppName)
          Getter for returning a single ShellDefinitionId object given a supplied shell markup name.
 ShellDefinition[] getShellDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp)
          Getter for returning a list of all ShellDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp.
 ShellDefinition[] getShellDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp, ShellDefinitionId firstShellDefinitionId, int limit)
          Returns ShellDefinitions in definitionId order (create order), starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit If fewer ShellDefinitions exist than limit, then a smaller result set will be returned.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<ShellDefinition> getShellDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, WebAppSearchCriteria criteria, int pageSize)
          Get all the shell definitions in the webapp as a paged object.
 ShellView getShellView(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning an immutable deep ShellView.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<LocalizationResourceView> getVisibleShellLocalizationResources(CustomizationContext customizationContext, WebAppSearchCriteria criteria, int pageSize)
          Retrieve the LocalizationResourceViews for all visible shells for a given locale and webapp.
 void updateShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, ShellDefinition shellDefinition)
          Update the shell definition with the new data.

Method Detail


ShellView getShellView(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                       ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId)
                       throws RemoteException

Getter for returning an immutable deep ShellView. The ShellView object, unlike the ShellDefinition or the ShellInstance objects contains a full set of references to all child pages, shells and so on. The ShellView object, however is immutable.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
shellDefinitionId - the unique shellDefinitionId.
an immutable deep ShellView object if one exists, otherwise null.


ShellDefinition[] getShellDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                      String webapp)
                                      throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a list of all ShellDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
webapp - the web application these shell definitions are scoped to.
an array of ShellDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


ShellDefinition[] getShellDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                      String webapp,
                                      ShellDefinitionId firstShellDefinitionId,
                                      int limit)
                                      throws RemoteException

Returns ShellDefinitions in definitionId order (create order), starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit If fewer ShellDefinitions exist than limit, then a smaller result set will be returned. If no definitions are found an empty array is returned. To start at the beginning of the list specify null as the shellDefinitionId. To retrieve from the end of the list and back specify null as the shellDefinitionId and a negative limit. To retrieve all the shellDefinitions in the database supply a limit of 0.
The implmentation has to ensure that repeated calls to this method return ShellDefinitions in a consistent order.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales.
webapp - the web application these shell definitions are scoped to.
firstShellDefinitionId - optional parameter to indicate where the list should start.
limit - the maximum result set size. Note the limit may be negative indicating a reverse sort order. To retrieve all the records specify a limit of zero. Note: some elements may be pruned because of entitlements.
array of ShellDefinitions no greater than limit in size.


ShellDefinition getShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                   ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId)
                                   throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a single ShellDefinition object given a supplied shell definition identifier.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
shellDefinitionId - the unique shell definition identifier.
a ShellDefinition object fully populated and internationalized, otherwise, null>/code> if the object does not exist.
See Also


ShellDefinition createShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                      ShellDefinition shellDefinition)
                                      throws MissingDataException,
Creates a new ShellView Definition with its placeholders.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
shellDefinition - the shell data and associated placeholders
a fully populated ShellDefinition
MissingDataException - the shellDefinition supplied as an argument is missing some vital data.
NotEntitledException - the caller is not entitled to create a new shell.


void updateShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                           ShellDefinition shellDefinition)
                           throws ObjectNotFoundException,

Update the shell definition with the new data.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
shellDefinition - the shell definition containing the new data
ObjectNotFoundException - if the LocalizationIntersectionId in the LocalizationResource is bogus.


void deleteShellDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                           ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId)
                           throws ObjectNotFoundException,

Delete a shell definition.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
shellDefinitionId - the id of the shell definition to delete.
ObjectNotFoundException - if the shellDefinitionId is bogus
ObjectInUseException - if page instances are currently using this shell
NotEntitledException - the caller is not entitled to perform this operation.
See Also
deleteShellDefinitionWithReplacement(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.ShellDefinitionId, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.ShellDefinitionId)


void deleteShellDefinitionWithReplacement(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          ShellDefinitionId deleteShellDefinitionId,
                                          ShellDefinitionId replacementShellDefinitionId)
                                          throws ObjectNotFoundException,

Delete a shell definition and replace any uses of that shell with a replacement shell. This method is useful for deleting a shell that is in use by book instances without having to delete those book instances.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId returned.
deleteShellDefinitionId - the id of the shell definition to delete.
replacementShellDefinitionId - the id of the replacement shell
ObjectNotFoundException - if either of the shellDefinitionIds are bogus
NotEntitledException - the caller is not entitled to perform this operation.
See Also
deleteShellDefinition(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.ShellDefinitionId)


ShellDefinitionId getShellDefinitionId(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                       String markupName,
                                       String webAppName)
                                       throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a single ShellDefinitionId object given a supplied shell markup name.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId.
markupName - the markup name attribute supplied on the tag,
webAppName - as defined in the config.xml
shellDefinitionId the unique shell definition identifier or null if none exist.


ShellDefinition getShellDefinitionFromFile(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                           String shellFile,
                                           String webAppName)
                                           throws RemoteException

Return a shell definition with the shellFile equal to the supplied filePath. The webAppName name is the deployed name of the module, and is often the name of the WAR file or directory, although this is not always the case. This name is that name given in config.xml as the Name of the WebAppComponent element (and thus WebAppComponentMBean's Name attribute). Note that this name is not the name of the URL context root.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId.
shellFile - the relative path to the shell file from the webapp directory example "/framework/makrup/"
webAppName - as defined in the config.xml


SortableFilterablePagedResult<LocalizationResourceView> getVisibleShellLocalizationResources(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                                                                             WebAppSearchCriteria criteria,
                                                                                             int pageSize)
                                                                                             throws RemoteException
Retrieve the LocalizationResourceViews for all visible shells for a given locale and webapp.

The returned PagedResult is sortable and filterable on the field "TITLE", and supports these filter methods:

  • FilterMethod.UNFILTERED
  • FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.CONTAINS
  • FilterMethod.EQUALS

customizationContext - - a customization context with a request and locale defined. Only the first locale is used.
criteria - criteria for the search, including the name of the web application where the requested resources live
pageSize - - number of results to retrieve per page


SortableFilterablePagedResult<ShellDefinition> getShellDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                                                   WebAppSearchCriteria criteria,
                                                                   int pageSize)
                                                                   throws RemoteException
Get all the shell definitions in the webapp as a paged object.

The returned PagedResult is sortable and filterable on the field "TITLE", and supports these filter methods:

  • FilterMethod.UNFILTERED
  • FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.CONTAINS
  • FilterMethod.EQUALS

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and http request.
criteria - used to specify the webapp
pageSize - the number of item per page in the result.


PlaceableInstance addPlaceable(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                               ShellDefinitionId shellDefinitionId,
                               boolean isHeader,
                               PlaceableDefinitionId placeableDefinitionId,
                               PlaceholderDefinitionId placeholderDefinitionId,
                               int position)
                               throws RemoteException,
Create a new instance of a placeable (portlet or book) by placing the definition in a placeholder in the header or footer layout of the shell.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales.
shellDefinitionId - the id of the shell to place the placeable.
isHeader - true if the placeable is to go in the header layout of the shell; false if it should go into the footer.
placeableDefinitionId - the abstract definition id of the placeable definition.
placeholderDefinitionId - the placehoder to place this placeable in.
position - the position in the placeholder to insert the placeholder.
a fully populated placeable instance. This will be of a more concrete type depending on the placeable definition supplied.
ObjectNotFoundException - if the PageDefinitionId or the PlaceholderDefinition Id are bogus
IllegalDependencyException - adding the Placeable to the PageDefinition would cause a recursive dependancy
MissingDataException - the placeableDefinition is missing some vital data.
NotEntitledException - the caller is not entitled to perform this action
DuplicateObjectException - if the navigable is a book and is already added to this shell

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