Class PageBackingContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
          extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.backing.WindowBackingContext
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PageBackingContext
extends WindowBackingContext

This is the backing context for a page. As such, it is meant to be called from backing files or pageflows. If you want to access this context from a JSP, look at PagePresentationContext instead.

Call getContextFromRequest to obtain the backing context for the active window.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static String CLASS_NAME
Fields inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
Method Summary
 String getActiveImage()
          Get the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is active.
 BookBackingContext getBookBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return a book searching the entire tree recursively.
 String getInactiveImage()
          Get the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is inactive.
 String getLabel()
          Returns the definition label on the page
 String getMarkupName()
          Returns the value of the Page's markupName attribute.
 String getMarkupType()
          Returns the value of the Page's markupType attribute.
static PageBackingContext getPageBackingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Get the PageBackingContext from the request
 PageBackingContext getPageBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return a book or a page but traverse the entire tree.
 BookBackingContext getParentBookBackingContext()
          Returns the BookBackingContext of the book that is the parent of the page represented by this context.
 PageBackingContext getParentPageBackingContext()
          Returns the PageBackingContext of the Page that is the parent of the page represented by this context.
 PortletBackingContext getPortletBackingContextRecursive(String instanceLabel)
          Return the portlet backing context matching the supplied instance label.
Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.
 PortletBackingContext[] getPortletsBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return portlet backing contexts matching the supplied definition label.
 String getRolloverImage()
          Get the path to the rollover image to be displayed on the menu tab for this page.
 List getWindowBackingContexts()
          Return the collection of chils WindowBackingContexts (BookBackingContext or PortletBackingContext) for this page.
 boolean isActive()
          Return true if this page is active.
 boolean isDisplayed()
          Return true if this page is going to be displayed.
 boolean isHidden()
          Return the value of the underlying object's hidden attribute.
 void setActive(boolean active)
          Set the value of the underlying object's active attribute.
 void setActiveImage(String activeImage)
          Set the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is active.
 void setHidden(boolean hidden)
          Set the value of the underlying object's hidden attribute.
 void setInactiveImage(String inactiveImage)
          Set the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is already active.
 void setRolloverImage(String rolloverImage)
          Set the path to the rollover image to be displayed on the menu tab for this page.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.backing.WindowBackingContext
ensureControlNotPruned, getCapability, getCapabilityVisible, getDefinitionId, getDefinitionLabel, getDescription, getInstanceId, getMetaData, getMetaDatas, getOrientation, getParentWindowBackingContext, getPlacementId, getPreviousWindowMode, getPreviousWindowState, getRenderedChildrenWindowBackingContexts, getTitle, getWindowMode, getWindowState, isCapable, isPacked, setCapabilityVisible, setDescription, setTitle, setupModeChangeEvent, setupModeChangeEvent, setupPageChangeEvent, setupStateChangeEvent, setupStateChangeEventFromParent
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
ensureCurrentLifecycleStageLegalForOperation, getChildrenBackingContexts, getParentBackingContext, getTopParentBackingContext, isBackingPhase, isVisible, setBackingPhase, setVisible
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
getContextFromRequest, getContextKey, getControl, getControlContextStack, getPrimaryControlContextStack, getRequestKey, getUniqueId, removeContextFromRequest, setCloneContexts, setContextInRequest, unsetCloneContexts
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String CLASS_NAME
Method Detail


public String getLabel()
Returns the definition label on the page

Specified by:
getLabel in class WindowBackingContext
the definition label of the page


public BookBackingContext getParentBookBackingContext()
Returns the BookBackingContext of the book that is the parent of the page represented by this context.

the BookBackingContext of the Book that is the parent of the page represented by this context, or null if there is no parent book.
See Also


public String getMarkupName()
Returns the value of the Page's markupName attribute.


public String getMarkupType()
Returns the value of the Page's markupType attribute.


public PageBackingContext getParentPageBackingContext()
Returns the PageBackingContext of the Page that is the parent of the page represented by this context.

getParentPageBackingContext in class WindowBackingContext
the PageBackingContext of the Page that is the parent of the Page represented by this context or null if there is no parent page.
See Also


public boolean isActive()
Return true if this page is active. Note: this is different from isDisplayed in that an active page is not necessarily always displayed as the parent book may not be active. Active pages can have an inactive parent book but when the parent is activated again the current page is remembered.

true if the page/book is active.


public boolean isHidden()
Return the value of the underlying object's hidden attribute.

a boolean, the value of the underlying object's hidden attribute.


public void setActive(boolean active)
Set the value of the underlying object's active attribute.

active - boolean, the new value of the underlying object's active attribute.


public void setHidden(boolean hidden)
Set the value of the underlying object's hidden attribute.

hidden - boolean, the new value of the underlying object's hidden attribute.


public static PageBackingContext getPageBackingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Get the PageBackingContext from the request


public String getActiveImage()
Get the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is active.

the path to the image


public void setActiveImage(String activeImage)
Set the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is active.

activeImage - a uri to the new activate image.


public String getInactiveImage()
Get the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is inactive.

the path as defined in the IDE for the image when the page is inactive.


public void setInactiveImage(String inactiveImage)
Set the path to the image displayed in the menu tab when the page is already active.

inactiveImage -


public String getRolloverImage()
Get the path to the rollover image to be displayed on the menu tab for this page.


public void setRolloverImage(String rolloverImage)
Set the path to the rollover image to be displayed on the menu tab for this page.

rolloverImage -


public boolean isDisplayed()

Return true if this page is going to be displayed. This method should be called late in the lifecycle preRender() to determine if this page will be displayed. If called earlier in the lifecycle handlePostBackData() it will return true if the page was previously display.

Note: this is different from isActive in that an active page is not necessarily always displayed as the parent book may not be active.

true or false


public List getWindowBackingContexts()

Return the collection of chils WindowBackingContexts (BookBackingContext or PortletBackingContext) for this page. If no portlets and books exist returns an empty list.

List of BookBackingContext and PortletBackingContexts objects


public BookBackingContext getBookBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return a book searching the entire tree recursively. If you are interested in both books AND pages use getPageBackingContextRecursive() as that method returns both.
Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

definitionLabel - of the book
the Book of interest or null if not found.


public PageBackingContext getPageBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return a book or a page but traverse the entire tree. The search will go inside books that are on pages too.
Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

definitionLabel -
pageBackingContext or (BookBackingContext if book) of the page or book with matching definition label.


public PortletBackingContext getPortletBackingContextRecursive(String instanceLabel)
Return the portlet backing context matching the supplied instance label.
Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

instanceLabel - unique instance label of the portlet
a reference to the portlet's BackingContext if it exist otherwise null.


public PortletBackingContext[] getPortletsBackingContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return portlet backing contexts matching the supplied definition label. Since many portlets can share the same definition label, more then one portlet can be returned. If you are interested in just one portlet then try getPortletBackingContextRecursive(String instanceLabel).
Note: this method may return null if called from the init() method of a backing context.

definitionLabel - label of the portlet
a non null array of PortletBackingContext.

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