Class SecurityPolicyItem

  extended by com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.PolicyItem
      extended by com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.SecurityPolicyItem
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable

public class SecurityPolicyItem
extends PolicyItem

This class encapsulates the information comprising a single Security Policy. It is used to collect and hold security policy attributes during the process of building and managing security policies.

The SecurityPolicyManager is used for persistence related operations upon SecurityPolicyItems.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          This no-args constructor allows a SecurityPolicyItem to be created and initialized piecemeal by an application.
SecurityPolicyItem(String aEntAppName, String aWebAppName, String aResourceId, List aUserList, List aGroupList, List aRoleList, String aCapability, P13nContextHandler aContextHandler)
          Initialize a new security policy.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
 String getCapability()
          Returns the optional capability name used to identify this security policy.
 List getRoleList()
          Returns the list of roles used within this security policy.
 void setCapability(String aCapabilityName)
          Sets the optional capability name used to identify this security policy.
 void setRoleList(List aRoleList)
          Sets the list of roles used within this security policy.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.PolicyItem
getContextHandler, getCreatedDate, getDescription, getEntAppName, getGroupList, getModifiedDate, getPolicyUser, getProviderDescription, getResourceId, getUserList, getWebAppName, setContextHandler, setDescription, setEntAppName, setGroupList, setPolicyUser, setProviderDescription, setResourceId, setUserList, setWebAppName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SecurityPolicyItem()
This no-args constructor allows a SecurityPolicyItem to be created and initialized piecemeal by an application.


public SecurityPolicyItem(String aEntAppName,
                          String aWebAppName,
                          String aResourceId,
                          List aUserList,
                          List aGroupList,
                          List aRoleList,
                          String aCapability,
                          P13nContextHandler aContextHandler)
Initialize a new security policy. Note that none of the parameters are required to construct this class, however certain operations will not succeed unless the required parameters for that operation are valid. Also, for example, if this object is used to persist a policy without a user list being initialized, it is assumed there are no user predicates required in the policy.

aEntAppName - Enterprise application name. Unused for Global app role scoping
aWebAppName - Webapp name. Unused for Global or Enterprise app role scoping
aResourceId - Application defined resource ID
aUserList - Optional list of user names for the role policy
aGroupList - Optional list of group names for the role policy
aRoleList - Optional list of role names for the role policy. A role name must refer to the name of a role policy.
aCapability - Optional application-defined capability name for this policy. If no capability name is specified, the policy will be applied to all access requests for the given resource.
aContextHandler - The caller's user profile context. Required if (the admin role policy) user's role is predicated on profile values.
Method Detail


public void setRoleList(List aRoleList)
Sets the list of roles used within this security policy.


public List getRoleList()
Returns the list of roles used within this security policy.

List of roles or null if none exist


public void setCapability(String aCapabilityName)
Sets the optional capability name used to identify this security policy.


public String getCapability()
Returns the optional capability name used to identify this security policy.

String name of capability, or null or empty string if none exists


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException

clone in class PolicyItem
Clone of a SecurityPolicyItem

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