
Class Summary
AssignedItemsTaxonomy Taxonomy for the content AssignedItems node, which is contained within the content Workspace root taxonomy
AssignedItemTaxonomy Taxonomy for an AssignedItem
CheckedOutItemsTaxonomy Taxonomy for content CheckedOutItems folder, which is contained withing the main content Workspace root taxonomy.
CheckedOutItemTaxonomy Taxonomy for a content CheckedOutItem, which is contained within the content CheckedOutItems folder.
ContentWorkSpaceRootTaxonomy Root taxonomy for the Content My Workspace folder.
NodeParentTaxonomy Abstract taxonomy for content taxonomies that can be a parent for Node taxonomies
NodeTaxonomy Taxonomy for a content Node, which is always parented by a NodeParentTaxonomy, which can be either the content RepositoryTaxonomy or another Node taxonomy.
PropertyTaxonomy Taxonomy for content Property, which is part of a Type taxonomy.
RepositoryTaxonomy Taxonomy for a Repository, which is contained by the VirtualContentRespository taxonomy
TypeTaxonomy Taxonomy for a content Type node, which is contained within a content Repository taxonomy node.
VirtualContentRepositoryRootTaxonomy Taxonomy for the content VirtualContentRespository root folder.
WorkflowsFolderTaxonomy Taxonomy for the Workflows folder node, which is contained within a Repository taxonomy node.
WorkflowTaxonomy Taxonomy for a content Workflow node, which is contained within the Workflows folder taxonomy of a content Repository.

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