Package com.bea.portlet

Class Summary
AsyncContentContext Allows async content to be disabled for a limited scope.
CommunityAdminURLHelper CommunityAdminURLHelper - has helper methods to add a parameter to a url such that it provides a hint to the framework to retrieve the admin view of a community resource - as opposed to the user's customized view.
CustomEventURL The CustomEventURL creates a URL that, when clicked, tells the system to generate a custom event.
DesktopURL Represents a URL for submitting requests to the portal framework to view a specified desktop.
GenericURL The GenericURL helps portal applications create URLs to resources within the portal.
JspContentURL The JspContentURL helps portlet using JspContent tag to change the contents of the window to another URL.
PageURL The PageURL helps portal applications create URLs to books and pages.
PostbackURL Represents a URL for submitting requests to the portal framework.
ResourceURL Represents a URL to a resource.
StandalonePortletURL The StandalonePortletURL helps create links to render portlets in a separate window (such as a popup window).
UrlCompressionContext Allows URL compression to be disabled for a limited scope.
WindowURL The WindowURL helps portal applications create URLs to portlet windows, portal pages and books.

Enum Summary
StandalonePortletURL.ContentMode Enumeration of valid values for the StandalonePortletURL.KEY_CONTENT_MODE parameter

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