Interface IGetMarkupBaseRequestContext

All Superinterfaces
IBaseRequestContext, IMutableRegistrationContext, INillable, IRegistrationContext, IRuntimeContext, IUserContext, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBlockingInteractionBaseRequestContext, IBlockingInteractionRequestContext, IGetMarkupRequestContext, IGetRenderDependenciesRequestContext

public interface IGetMarkupBaseRequestContext
extends IBaseRequestContext, IRuntimeContext, IUserContext

A base request context that represents partial input data for the "getMarkup" operation. It includes accessors and mutators for most of the elements of markup described in the WSRP specification, except WLP extensions.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 void addLocale(Locale locale)
          Adds the supplied locale to the end of the list.
 void addMarkupCharacterSet(String markupCharacterSet)
          Adds the supplied markupCharacterSet to the set of character sets that WLP Consumer is sending to a producer.
 void addMimeType(String mimeType)
          Addes the supplied mimeType towards the end of the current list of Mime types.
 List<Locale> getLocales()
          A list of locales that the WLP Consumer computed for the current portlet to generate markup.
 Set<String> getMarkupCharacterSets()
          The character sets that WLP Consumer wants the Producer use to encode the current portlet's markup.
 List<String> getMimeTypes()
          A list of Mime types (text/html, text/xml, application/xhtml+xml, etc) that the WLP Consumer prefers the Producer to generate a portlet's markup.
 String getMode()
          The mode of a portlet for which the Producer generates markup.
 String getNavigationalState()
          The navigational state of the current portlet.
 String getRequestVerb()
          Returns the request method.
 String getUserAgent()
          A string identifying user-agent of an end-user.
 String getWindowState()
          The state of the current portlet's virtual window.
 boolean isSecureClientCommunicationOn()
          Indicates whether client is using a secure communication channel between client and the Consumer.
 boolean isValidateTagOn()
          Returns true if the Producer sent a validateTag in previous requests and the WLP Consumer has cached markup for the current portlet.
 void setMarkupCharacterSet(Set<String> markupCharacterSet)
          Uses the supplied set of character sets as the markup character sets for the current portlet.
 void setMode(String mode)
          The supplied mode is set as the portlet's mode.
 void setNavigationalState(String navState)
          The supplied navState is set as the navigational state of the current portlet.
 void setRequestVerb(String requestVerb)
          Sets the request method.
 void setUserAgent(String newUserAgent)
          Sets the supplied newUserAgent as an user-agent of an end-user.
 void setValidateTagOn(boolean value)
          Sets the supplied value for the validateTag on field.
 void setWindowState(String windowState)
          The supplied windowState is set as the portlet's state.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IBaseRequestContext
addMimeHeader, getHttpServletRequest, getHttpServletResponse, getMimeHeaders, getMimeHeaders, getPortletContext, getProducerInfo, getServletContext, removeMimeHeader, setMimeHeader
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.IMutableRegistrationContext
setRegistrationHandle, setRegistrationState
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.IRegistrationContext
getRegistrationHandle, getRegistrationState
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.INillable
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IUserContext
getUserContextKey, getUserProfile, setUserContextKey
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.INillable
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IRuntimeContext
getDoctypeUri, getNamespacePrefix, getPortletInstanceKey, getSessionID, getSkeleton, getSkeletonChromosome, getSkeletonPath, getSkin, getSkinChromosome, getSkinPath, getTemplates, getThemeName, getThemeSkeletonChromosome, getThemeSkinChromosome, getUserAuthentication, isUsingAltSkeleton, isUsingAltSkin, setDoctypeUri, setNamespacePrefix, setPortletInstanceKey, setSessionID, setSkeleton, setSkeletonChromosome, setSkeletonPath, setSkin, setSkinChromosome, setSkinPath, setTemplates, setThemeName, setThemeSkeletonChromosome, setThemeSkinChromosome, setUserAuthentication, setUsingAltSkeleton, setUsingAltSkin

Method Detail


boolean isSecureClientCommunicationOn()
Indicates whether client is using a secure communication channel between client and the Consumer.

true if client is using a secure communication channel, otherwise false.


List<Locale> getLocales()
A list of locales that the WLP Consumer computed for the current portlet to generate markup. The WLP Consumer computes locales and their order based on the end-user preferences and locales declared in the portlet description.

A list of Locales.


void addLocale(Locale locale)
Adds the supplied locale to the end of the list. Note: this method doesn't check if the supplied locale is allowed or not.

locale - A Locale to add.


List<String> getMimeTypes()
A list of Mime types (text/html, text/xml, application/xhtml+xml, etc) that the WLP Consumer prefers the Producer to generate a portlet's markup.

A list of Mime types.


void addMimeType(String mimeType)
Addes the supplied mimeType towards the end of the current list of Mime types.

mimeType - A Mime type to add.


String getMode()
The mode of a portlet for which the Producer generates markup.

A portlet's mode.


void setMode(String mode)
The supplied mode is set as the portlet's mode. The value can be any supported modes specified in the current portlet's metadata or "wsrp:view".

mode - A supported portlet's mode.


String getWindowState()
The state of the current portlet's virtual window.

A portlet's state.


void setWindowState(String windowState)
The supplied windowState is set as the portlet's state. The value can be any supported states specified in the current portlet's metadata or "wsrp:normal".

windowState - A supported portlet's window state.


String getNavigationalState()
The navigational state of the current portlet.

An opaque navigational state of the current portlet.


void setNavigationalState(String navState)
The supplied navState is set as the navigational state of the current portlet.

navState - The navigational state of the current portlet.


Set<String> getMarkupCharacterSets()
The character sets that WLP Consumer wants the Producer use to encode the current portlet's markup.

A set of character set names.


void addMarkupCharacterSet(String markupCharacterSet)
Adds the supplied markupCharacterSet to the set of character sets that WLP Consumer is sending to a producer.

markupCharacterSet - A character set.


void setMarkupCharacterSet(Set<String> markupCharacterSet)
Uses the supplied set of character sets as the markup character sets for the current portlet.

markupCharacterSet - A set of markup character sets.


boolean isValidateTagOn()
Returns true if the Producer sent a validateTag in previous requests and the WLP Consumer has cached markup for the current portlet.

true if the Producer sent a validateTag for the current portlet and the WLP Cconsumer has cached markup, otherwise false.


void setValidateTagOn(boolean value)
Sets the supplied value for the validateTag on field.

value - A boolean value.


String getUserAgent()
A string identifying user-agent of an end-user.

a string identifying user-agent of an end-user.


void setUserAgent(String newUserAgent)
Sets the supplied newUserAgent as an user-agent of an end-user.

newUserAgent - A new user-agent identification.


String getRequestVerb()
Returns the request method.

request method, such as GET, POST etc.


void setRequestVerb(String requestVerb)
Sets the request method.

requestVerb - request method

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