Interface SmartEJBHome

All Superinterfaces
javax.ejb.EJBHome, Remote, SmartHome
All Known Subinterfaces:
CatalogManagerHome, CatalogQueryManagerHome, CatalogServiceHome, CatalogWSHome, CategoryManagerHome, CustomDataManagerHome, DecryptorHome, EncryptorHome, EpmCustomDataManagerHome, JdbcCatalogQueryManagerHome, JdbcCatalogServiceHome, JdbcCategoryManagerHome, JdbcProductItemManagerHome, OrderHome, OrderManagerHome, PaymentTransactionHome, ProductItemManagerHome, ShippingHelperHome, ShippingMethodHome
All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityHome, SessionHome

Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

public interface SmartEJBHome
extends SmartHome, javax.ejb.EJBHome

The Smart EJB Home interface is extended by all Business Smart Component home interfaces that service BSCs. A Business Smart Components EJB home interface defines the methods that allow a client to create, find, and remove Business Smart Components derived from EJBObject. It is a marker interface (i.e. by having a common base class it makes it possible to identify all BSC EJB Homes at runtime).

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBHome
getEJBMetaData, getHomeHandle, remove, remove

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