Class ExpressionHelper

  extended by com.beasys.commerce.util.ExpressionHelper

Deprecated Use ExpressionHelper instead.

public class ExpressionHelper
extends Object

Helper class to handle dealing with Expression, Criteria, and Logical objects.

See Also
Expression, Criteria, Logical

Nested Class Summary
static class ExpressionHelper.ParseException
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Method Summary
static ExpressionHelper.ParseException convertException(Exception excep)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String fromStringLiteral(String in)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static int getOrdinalValue(char ch)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static boolean isHexString(String str)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static Logical join(Expression expr1, Expression expr2)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static Expression normalize(Expression expr)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static Expression parse(String queryStr)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static void printTree(int depth, PrintWriter out, Expression expr)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static void printTree(PrintWriter out, Expression expr)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String toString(Criteria c)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String toString(Expression expr)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String toString(Logical l)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String toStringLiteral(String in)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String toTree(Expression expr)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExpressionHelper()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Method Detail


public static Expression parse(String queryStr)
                        throws ExpressionHelper.ParseException,
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Convert a query expression string into an Expression object.

The string should follow the query syntax specified in the Personalization Server documentation. The expression syntax is tree-based, with each leaf in the tree beinging of the form "property comparator value" (e.g. "identifier == '1234'").

Property (LHS)

This specifies the object property to match against. To specify a property name which contains non-identifier characters (e.g. whitespace, double quotes, dashes), you can use the "toProperty('property name')" form in the left-hand-side. To specify scopenames as part of the property name, either use the "" form or the "toProperty('scope', 'property')" form in the left-hand-side.


The valid comparision operators are = (or ==), !=, <, >, <=, >=, "like", and "contains". The "like" operator expects the pattern (which is the value of the leaf) to use * (match all) and ? (match any); "like" also is only expected to work against String values, although it might work with other datatypes depending upon the search implementation. The "contains" operator is only expected to work against multi-valued properties, although it might work with other datatypes depending upon the search implementation.

Value (RHS)

Each branch in the tree is comprised of 1 or more leafs or branches separated by either "&&" (boolean AND) or "||" (boolean OR). They can be enclosed in parenthesis for clearity and ordering (AND has precendance over OR). Additionally, "!" marks a branch as using negative logical (boolean NOT). The "!" operator can only be used preceding an open parenthesis.

Examples of valid expression strings:

queryStr - the query expression string
an Expression object representing (null if queryStr is a null expression).
ExpressionHelper.ParseException - thrown on a an invalid expression query or a parser error.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown on a general error.
See Also
convertException(java.lang.Exception), normalize(


public static Logical join(Expression expr1,
                           Expression expr2)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Join together two expression via an AND expression.

expr1 - the first expression.
expr2 - the second expression.
a Logical of the two expressions.


public static Expression normalize(Expression expr)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Normalize an Expression.

This will remove:

expr - the incoming expression.
the normalized expression, null if normalized to nothing.


public static String toString(Expression expr)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Get a string representation of the given expression.

Pretty much, a string generated from this method can be parse()'ed into the equivalent (not neccessarily identical) expression tree.

expr - the expression.
the query syntax representation of the expression.


public static String toString(Criteria c)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Return a string representation of the given criteria.


public static String toString(Logical l)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Return a string representation of the given Logical.


public static String toTree(Expression expr)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

For debug purposes, return a tree representation of the given expression.


public static void printTree(PrintWriter out,
                             Expression expr)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

For debug purposes, print the given expression as a tree.

out - the output stream to print on.
expr - the expression.


public static void printTree(int depth,
                             PrintWriter out,
                             Expression expr)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

For debug purposes, print the given expression as a tree at the given depth.

depth - the depth of this expression in the tree.
out - the output stream to print on.
expr - the expression.


public static String fromStringLiteral(String in)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Convert a String literal (which may contain quoted characters) into a corresponding String value.

This supports the standard Java Language Specification escape sequences.

in - the input string literal.
the string value.


public static boolean isHexString(String str)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Determine is a string contains only ASCII hexidecimal characters ([0-9a-fA-F]).


public static String toStringLiteral(String in)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Get an ASCII String literal from a Java string.

This will quote some special characters with back-slashes.

The output of this can be sent through fromStringLiteral(java.lang.String) to result in the original String.


public static int getOrdinalValue(char ch)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Get the ordinal (Unicode) value of a character.


public static ExpressionHelper.ParseException convertException(Exception excep)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Convert a generic exception into a ParseException.

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