Portlet Preferences

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="preferences" uri="http://www.bea.com/servers/portal/tags/netuix/preferences" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:preferences="http://www.bea.com/servers/portal/tags/netuix/preferences" />

Use tags in the tag library to access portlet preferences from within portlet JSP pages.

Tag Library Information
Display NamePortlet Preferences
Short Namepreferences

Tag Summary
getPreference Returns the value of a given preference. Use this tag to get the value of a preference, given the name of the preference. The tag may also supply a default value for the value of the tag. If the named preference does not exist, this tag returns the supplied default value. If the named preference has more than one value, returns the first value (no guarantee of order).
getPreferences Returns all the values of a given preference. Use this tag to get all the values of a preference, given the name of the preference. The tag may also supply a default value for the value of the tag. If the named preference does not exist, this tag returns the supplied default value.
forEachPreference Loops over all the preferences available for the portlet in context. Within the loop, this tag assigns the name of the preference to the nameVar attribute, and the value(s) of the preference to the valueVar attribute. The value is always returned as an array of java.lang.String objects.
ifModifiable This tag includes the body of the tag if the given preference is modifiable. If not, this tag skips the body.
else This tag includes the body of the tag if the given preference is not modifiable. If not, this tag skips the body. Use this tag in conjunction with the ifModifiable tag.

Output Generated by Tag Library Documentation Generator. {wls.FOOTER}