Portal Framework Rendering

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="render" uri="http://www.bea.com/servers/portal/tags/netuix/render" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:render="http://www.bea.com/servers/portal/tags/netuix/render" />

Tags for creating URLs in portlets, along with the begin and end Render tags, and hooks to the RenderToolkit.

Tag Library Information
Display NamePortal Framework Rendering
Short Namerender

Tag Summary
defineObjects Creates standard look and feel objects for use in JSP pages.
beginRender Processes the body only if we are in the begin render phase.
endRender Processes the body only if we are in the end render phase.
writeAttribute This tag renders an attribute to a character ouput stream by assembling the name and value parameters into a form appropriate for the underlying rendering format. If any of the character output stream, the name, or both of the value parameters are null, nothing is rendered to the stream. If the default value exists when the value does not, then the default value is used instead.
getSkinPath Returns the path of a skinned image. NOTE: the path produced by this tag is not influenced by LookAndFeel URL templates.
resolveImagePath Resolves the path of the specified uri based on configured skin image search paths.
resolveLinkPath Resolves the path of the specified uri based on configured skin link search paths.
resolveScriptPath Resolves the path of the specified uri based on configured skin script search paths.
resolveStylePath Resolves the path of the specified uri based on configured skin style search paths.
renderChild Renders a child control explicitly via its presentation context. The following steps are performed during rendering: (a) If null, do nothing (b) Set visible -- assumes that rendering should always be attempted (c) Render (d) Set invisible -- prevents second rendering during remaining child rendering phase
writeUri This tag writes a URI based on the application's configured skin path. Its implementation is not format-dependent.
createUri This tag creates a URI based on the application's configured skin path. Its implementation is not format-dependent. The uri is assigned to 'id'.
writeId This tag writes an id.
createId This tag creates an id.
windowUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to windows. Use this tag to create links to submit requests to portlet windows (including requests to change portlet mode and/or state).
standalonePortletUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to standalone portlets. Use this tag to create links to submit requests to portlets hosted by an external portal, such as floating portlets.
pageUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to submit page change requests. Use this tag to create links to switch to pages.
customEventUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to submit custom events. Use this tag to create links to create custom events.
postbackUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to submit requests. Use this tag to create URLs to submit GET/POST requests to the portal framework.
resourceUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to resources. Use this tag to create URLs to images/files etc.
toggleButtonUrl A convenience tag to create toggle button URLs. Use this tag to create links to toggle buttons in titlebars.
param A tag to specify query parameters to URL tags. Use this tag to add query parameters to other URL tags. This tag URL encodes the name and value while preparing the URL.
jspContentUrl A convenience tag to create URLs to windows and change content of JSPContent controls. Use this tag to create a link to change the current current rendered in a JspContent portlet.
encodeName A tag to encode names. Use this tag to encode names such that encoded names are unique within the context of the portal page.
jspUri A tag to retrieve the location of the jsp that you are developing in. If webAppQualified is set, it will return a fully web app qualified uri to the jsp (minus the jsp), otherwise the webapp will be omitted.
getJspUri A tag to retrieve the location of the jsp that you are developing in. If webAppQualified is set, it will return a fully web app qualified uri to the jsp (minus the jsp), otherwise the webapp will be omitted.
context Allows for the override of framework-level control behavior within a specified scope (i.e. the body of the tag).
portalFacet Render a portal "facet".
analytics Track the render time for a block in the JSP. Best use would be in wrapping the page.

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