Customizing the Administration Console

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List of Resource IDs

Administration Console portlets that you add to your portal are designed to react to resource ID calls.

The following sections list the respective resource IDs for the Administration Console portlets:

Interaction Management Portlet Resource IDs

Interaction management includes user and group management, content selectors and campaigns. The interaction management portlets can be found in the wlp-tools-im-web-lib.

The following tables list each portlet associated with interaction management according to function (user management, campaigns, and so on). Also listed in each table are the resource IDs needed to call each portlet.

Content Management Portlet Resource IDs

Content management portlets include the capability to view and modify content, and content types. If you are using library services, you can also view versioning information.

The following tables include information about the content management portlets, including the resource IDs used for each.

User and Group Management Portlet Resource IDs

The user and group management portlets include portlets that allow you to add, view, or modify users and groups.

The following tables provide information about the user and group management portlets, including the resource ID used for each.

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