Federated Portals Guide

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Interportlet Communication with Remote Portlets

WebLogic Portal supports interportlet communication (IPC) between producers and consumers. For example, a remote portlet deployed in a producer application can handle a minimize event fired by a local portlet in a consumer. This chapter presents a detailed example explaining how to use interportlet communication with remote portlets.

This chapter includes these sections:



WebLogic Portal provides an extension to the WSRP protocol that allows remote portlets to fire events during the interaction phase of their lifecycle. For detailed information on the WebLogic Portal IPC architecture for federated portlets, see Interportlet Communication with Events.

Communication between portlets deployed in consumer and producer applications is bi-directional. Events fired by local portlets can be handled by portlets deployed in a producer, and vice versa.

The example in this chapter demonstrates one way to implement event handling in a federated portal. In this example, the event handler is added to the portlet on the producer. When a local portlet on the consumer fires an event, the remote portlet on the producer receives the event and handles it (changes the text displayed in the portlet).

Note: Whenever you implement event handling in a federated environment, remember that you must add event handlers to portlets in the producer application before you create proxy portlets in consumers. If you change a producer portlet’s metadata, such as by adding an event handler, consumers are not notified of that change. The correct procedure is to add the event handler to the portlet on the producer before you create the remote portlet on the consumer.

For additional information on IPC in WebLogic Portal, see the Portlet Development Guide.


Firing and Handling a Minimize Event

This section presents a detailed example demonstrating how to use event handling in a remote portlet. In this example, a remote portlet on the consumer fires an onMinimize event. The onMinimize event is fired when a portlet is minimized. When the event is fired from a local portlet in a consumer, the event is handled on the producer. The onMinimize event is one of several standard events supported by the WebLogic Portal framework. For a complete list of standard events, see the Portlet Development Guide.

In this example, when the user minimizes the remote portlet on the consumer, the producer handles the event and changes some text in the portlet.

Tip: Remote portlets can also handle custom events. For detailed information on using custom events with remote portlets, see Data Transfer with Custom Events.

This example includes these steps:

  1. Setting Up Your Environment
  2. Creating the Portlets on the Producer
  3. Creating the Consumer Portlets
  4. Testing the Application

Setting Up Your Environment

If you want to try the example discussed in this section, you need to run WorkSpace Studio and perform the prerequisite tasks and set up the example environment.

To set up the example environment, perform the prerequisite tasks outlined in Table 7-1. If you are not familiar with the specific procedures for these tasks, they are described in detail in the WebLogic Portal tutorial “Setting Up Your Portal Development Environment.”

Table 7-1 Prerequisite Tasks
Recommended Name
1. Create a WebLogic Portal domain.
2. Create a Portal EAR Project.
3. Create a BEA WebLogic v10.0 Server.
3. Associate the EAR project with the server.
4. Create a Portal Web Project
5. Create a second Portal Web Project

Figure 7-1 shows the Package Explorer after the prerequisite tasks have been completed.

Figure 7-1 Package Explorer After Prerequisite Tasks are Completed

Package Explorer After Prerequisite Tasks are Completed

Creating the Portlets on the Producer

In this task, you create two JSP files on the producer-side, along with the JSP portlets that surface these files. You also create a backing file that contains the instructions necessary to complete the communication between two portlets and add an event handler to one of the portlets. Once you have created the portlets and attached the backing file, you will test the application in your browser.

Create the JSP Files and Portlets

To create the JSP files that the portlets deployed on the producer will surface:

  1. Be sure you have set up the example environment as explained previously in Setting Up Your Environment.
  2. In the Package Explorer, double-click the file producerWeb/WebContent/index.jsp. The JSP file opens in the editor.
  3. Replace the body text with the phrase Minimize Me!, as shown in Figure 7-2.
  4. Figure 7-2 aPortlet.jsp in the Editor
    Package Explorer After Prerequisite Tasks are Completed
  5. Save the file as aPortlet.jsp.
  6. Right-click aPortlet.jsp in the Package Explorer and select Generate Portlet....
  7. The Portal Details dialog box appears (Figure 7-3). Note that /aPortlet.jsp appears in the Content URI field.

    Figure 7-3 Portal Details Dialog Box for aPortlet

    Portal Details Dialog Box for aPortlet

  8. Select Minimizable and Maximizable, and click Create.
  9. The file aPortlet.portlet appears in the producerWeb/WebContent folder in the Package Explorer.

  10. In the same directory, make a copy of aPortlet.jsp, and call the copy bPortlet.jsp.
  11. Open bPortlet.jsp in the editor and copy the code from Listing 7-1 into the JSP, replacing everything from <netui:html> through </netui:html>. This code simply displays text placed in the request by a backing file, which you will create and attach to the portlet in a subsequent step.
  12. Listing 7-1 New JSP Code for bPortlet.jsp
    <% String event = (String)request.getAttribute("minimizeEvent");%>
    Web Application Page
    Listening for portlet A minimize event:<%=event%>

    Figure 7-4 shows the completed JSP source file in the editor.

    Figure 7-4 Updated JSP Source

    Updated JSP Source

  13. Save the file.
  14. Following the same steps you used previously, generate a portlet from the bPortlet.jsp file.

Checkpoint: At this point the you have created the following files in the producerWeb/WebContent folder:

Create the Backing File

In this example, we use a backing file attached to the portlet in the producer to handle the onMinimize event fired on the consumer.

Tip: For detailed information on backing files, refer to the Portlet Development Guide.

To create the backing file:

  1. In producerWeb, right-click the src folder and select New > Folder from the menu. The Create New Folder dialog box appears.
  2. Tip: Alternatively, instead of a folder, you can create a Java package.
  3. Create a folder called backing.
  4. The backing folder appears under producerWeb/src, as shown in Figure 7-5.

    Figure 7-5 New Backing File Folder

    New Backing File Folder

  5. Right-click the backing folder and select New > Class. The New Java Class dialog appears.
  6. In the Name field, enter Listening and click Finish. The new Java class appears in the editor.
  7. Delete the default contents of Listening.java, and copy the code from Listing 7-2 into Listening.java.
  8. Save Listening.java.
  9. Listing 7-2 Backing File Code for listening.java
    package backing;
    import com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.backing.AbstractJspBacking;
    import com.bea.netuix.events.Event;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    public class Listening extends AbstractJspBacking 
         static final long serialVersionUID=1L;
         private static boolean minimizeEventHandled = false;
         public void handlePortalEvent(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response, Event event)
    minimizeEventHandled = true;
        public boolean preRender(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
    if (minimizeEventHandled){
                    request.setAttribute("minimizeEvent","minimize event handled");
            // reset
    minimizeEventHandled = false;
             return true;

The source should now look like that shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 Listening.java with Updated Backing File Code

Listening.java with Updated Backing File Code

Attach the Backing File

Now you will attach the backing file created in the previous section to bPortlet.portlet.

  1. In the Package Explorer, double-click bPortlet.portlet to open it.
  2. Click on the portlet in the editor to display the portlet’s properties. To be sure you see all the properties, click on the border of the portlet, as shown in Figure 7-7.
  3. Figure 7-7 Click to Display All Portlet Properties

    Click to Display All Portlet Properties

    Tip: If the Properties view is not visible in your perspective, select Window > Show View > Properties. If you want to learn more about editing portlet properties, see the Portlet Development Guide.
  4. In the Properties view, type backing.Listening into the Backable Properties > Portlet Backing File field, as shown in Figure 7-8 and press Return.
  5. Tip: You might need to expand the value column to enter text in the Portlet Backing File field.
    Figure 7-8 Attaching the Backing File in the Properties View

    Attaching the Backing File in the Properties View

  6. Save the file.

Add the Event Handler to bPortlet

You now add the event handler to bPortlet.portlet. The handler will be configured to listen for an event fired by another portlet and execute an action in response to that event. To add the event handler:

  1. Be sure the file bPortlet.portlet is open. If it is not, double-click it in the Package Explorer.
  2. Click on the portlet in the editor to display the portlet’s properties, as shown previously in Figure 7-7.
  3. In the portlet editor, click the Event Handlers link, as shown in Figure 7-9. The Event Handlers dialog appears.
  4. Figure 7-9 Event Handlers Link

    Event Handlers Link

    Figure 7-10 Portlet Event Handlers Dialog Box

    Portlet Event Handlers Dialog Box

  5. Click Add Handler and select Handle Portal Event from the drop-down menu.
  6. The Portlet Event Handlers dialog box expands to allow entry of more details, as shown in Figure 7-11.

    Figure 7-11 Event Handler Dialog Box Expanded

    Event Handler Dialog Box Expanded

  7. Accept the defaults for all fields except Portlet.
  8. In the Portlet field, click the ellipses button (...). The Please Choose a File dialog box appears.
  9. Select aPortlet.portlet and click OK.
  10. The dialog box closes and aPortlet_1 appears in the Listen to list and the Portlet field, as shown in Figure 7-12. The label aPortlet_1 is the definition label of the portlet to which the event handler will listen.

    Tip: The definition label is a unique identifier for the portlet. A default value is entered automatically, but you can change the value. Each portlet must have a unique value. See the Portlet Development Guide for more information.
    Figure 7-12 Adding portlet_1

    Adding portlet_1

  11. Click the Event drop-down menu to open the list of portal events that the handler can listen for and select onMinimize, as shown in Figure 7-13.
  12. Figure 7-13 Event Drop-down List

    Event Drop-down List

  13. Click Add Action... to open the action drop-down menu and select Invoke BackingFile Method.
  14. Open the Method drop-down menu and enter handlePortalEvent, as shown in Figure 7-14. This method is defined in the backing file that is attached to bPortlet. The source code for the backing file was shown previously in Listing 7-2.
  15. Figure 7-14 Adding the Backing File Method

    Adding the Backing File Method

  16. Click OK.
  17. The event handler is added. Note that the Value field of the Event Handlers property now indicates 1 Event Handler.

Note: WebLogic Portal attempts to validate the settings of the Event Handlers dialog. You will receive an error message if any problems are detected. For detailed information on the WebLogic Portal validation framework, see the WebLogic Portal Development Guide.

Checkpoint: You added a backing file and an event handler to bPortlet. The event handler is configured to invoke the handlePortalEvent() method in the backing file when the portlet receives an onMinimize event fired by aPortlet. In the next task, you test the application to make sure that the portlets function properly in a local environment. Then, you will create a remote portlet in a consumer application to test the interportlet communication in a federated portal environment.

Test the Application

Create a portal in the producer application called ipcLocal.portal:

  1. In the Package Explorer, right-click producerWeb/WebContent and select New > Portal. The New Portal dialog appears.
  2. In the File name field, enter ipcLocal.portal and click Finish. The portal is created and appears in the editor.
  3. Drag both aPortlet.portlet and bPortlet.portlet from the Package Explorer onto the portal layout, as shown in Figure 7-15.
  4. Figure 7-15 Portal Layout with Portlets Added

    Portal Layout with Portlets Added

  5. Save the portal.
  6. Run the portal. To do this, right-click ipcLocal.portal in the Package Explorer and select Run As > Run on Server.
  7. In the Run On Server – Define a New Server dialog, click Finish.
  8. The portal renders in the default browser, as shown in Figure 7-16.

    Figure 7-16 ipcLocal Portal in Browser

    ipcLocal Portal in Browser

  9. Minimize aPortlet.
  10. Note the content change in bPortlet.

    Figure 7-17 ipcLocal Portal with aPortlet Minimized

    ipcLocal Portal with aPortlet Minimized


You created a portal containing two local portlets. You configured the portlet called bPortlet to respond to an onMinimize event fired from the portlet called aPortlet. The onMinimize event is a standard event that all WebLogic Portal portlets can fire. When bPortlet receives an onMinimize event, a backing file method is called that modifies the text displayed by the portlet.

In the following steps, you will create a federated portal that uses interportlet communication.

Creating the Consumer Portlets

In this section, you create two portlets in the consumer application, one a JSP portlet and the other a remote portlet. The remote portlet consumes the portlet you created previously on the producer, bPortlet.portlet.

Setting Up the Exercise

Before you continue with this exercise:

  1. In the Package Explorer, copy aPortlet.jsp from the producerWeb/WebContent folder and paste it into the consumerWeb/WebContent folder. For convenience, we reuse this portlet from the producer application. Its function in the consumer portal is simply to provide a portlet that you can minimize.
  2. Right-click consumerWeb/WebContent/aPortlet.jsp and select Generate Portlet.
  3. In the Portlet Details dialog, select Minimizable, Maximizable, and click Create. The new portlet layout appears in the editor.

Creating the Remote Portlet

To create the remote portlet:

  1. Open the consumerWeb folder in the Package Explorer, right-click on the WebContent folder, and select New > Portlet.
  2. In the New Portlet dialog, enter bPrime.portlet in the File name field, and click Finish.
  3. In the Select Portlet Type dialog of the Portlet Wizard, pick Remote Portlet, and click Next.
  4. In the Producer dialog, select Find Producer.
  5. Enter the producer’s WSDL URL in the text field, as shown in Figure 7-18. The WSDL URL for this example is:
  6. http://host:port/producerWeb/producer?wsdl

    for example:


    Tip: WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language and is used to describe the services offered by a producer. For more information, see Federated Portal Architecture.
  7. Click Retrieve.
  8. After a few seconds, the dialog box refreshes, showing the Producer Details, as shown in Figure 7-18.

    Figure 7-18 Find Producer Dialog

    Find Producer Dialog

  9. Click Register.
  10. In the Register dialog, enter a name for the producer in the Producer Handle field, and click Register. You are returned to the Producer dialog.
  11. In the Producer dialog, click Next. The Select Portlet from List dialog appears.
  12. In the Select Portlet from List dialog, select bPortlet, as shown in Figure 7-19.
  13. Figure 7-19 Select Portlet From List Dialog Box

    Select Portlet From List Dialog Box

  14. Click Next. The Proxy Portlet Details dialog box appears.
  15. Click Create.
  16. The remote portlet appears as bPrime.portlet in the consumerWeb/WebContent folder in the Package Explorer.

  17. Change the portlet’s title to bPrime. To do this, edit the Title field in the portlet’s Properties view, as shown in Figure 7-20.
  18. Figure 7-20 Changing the Portlet Title

    Changing the Portlet Title

  19. Save the portlet.
  20. Tip: In the Properties view for bPortlet (in the producerWeb/WebContent folder) be sure the Render Cacheable property is set to false.


With the completion of the two consumer portlets, you have now created all of the necessary components to demonstrate interportlet communications between a remote and a local portlet. In the next step, you will add the consumer portlets to a consumer portal and raise an event on one portlet that will cause a reaction on the other.

Testing the Application

In this step, you test the consumer application to verify that minimizing aPortlet will change the content of bPrime (the remote portlet). You create a portal and add the two portlets created in Creating the Consumer Portlets. You then build the application and view the portal in a browser.

Build the Portal

Create a portal in the consumer application called ipcConsumer.portal:

  1. In the Package Explorer, right-click consumerWeb/WebContent and select New > Portal. The New Portal dialog appears.
  2. In the File name field, enter ipcConsumer.portal and click Finish. The portal is created and appears in the editor.
  3. Drag both aPortlet.portlet and bPrime.portlet from the consumerWeb/WebContent folder onto the portal layout. The result is shown in Figure 7-21.
  4. Figure 7-21 Consumer Portal Layout

    Consumer Portal Layout

  5. Save the portal.

Test the Portal

From a user’s perspective, the consumer portal works exactly as if all portlets were local. The user is not aware that bPrime is a remote portlet hosted in a producer application. To test the consumer portlet, minimize aPortlet. The remote portlet, bPrime, responds changing the text it displays.

  1. Run the portal. To do this, right-click ipcConsumer.portal in the Package Explorer and select Run As > Run on Server.
  2. In the Run On Server – Define a New Server dialog, click Finish. A browser opens displaying the ipcConsumer portal, as shown in Figure 7-22.
  3. Figure 7-22 Consumer Portal in a Browser

    Consumer Portal in a Browser

  4. In aPortlet, click the Minimize button. The portlet aPortlet minimizes and the contents of bPortlet change, as shown in Figure 7-23.
  5. Figure 7-23 Consumer Portal in Browser After Minimize Event

    Consumer Portal in Browser After Minimize Event


Inside the Remote Portlet File

Listing 7-3 shows an excerpt from the XML content of a .portlet file for the remote portlet described previously in this chapter, bPrime.portlet. Note that the element dispatchToRemotePortlet is added as part of the handleEvent definition. This element indicates that the consumer must dispatch the event to the producer.

Listing 7-3 Excerpt from the bPrime.portlet File
<netuix:handleEvent event="onMinimize" eventLabel="handlePortalEvent1"
    fromSelfInstanceOnly="false" onlyIfDisplayed="true"
    sourceDefinitionLabels="aPortlet_1"> <netuix:dispatchToRemotePortlet/>


Data Transfer with Custom Events

Custom events are the recommended method for passing data between portlets deployed in consumer applications and portlets in remote producer applications. This section outlines a possible technique for passing data from a consumer to a producer using custom events.

Tip: You can use custom events to pass any serializable Java object or an object that extends com.bea.wsrp.ext.holders.XmlPayload between federated portlets. XmlPayload is a WebLogic Portal class that lets you pass XML data between consumers and producers. See Transferring XML Data for more information. Also, for more information on the XmlPayload interface, refer to its Javadoc description.

Figure 7-24 illustrates the configuration of the example discussed in this section.

Figure 7-24 Example configuration

Example configuration

Retrieving the Event on the Producer

This section illustrates how a portlet on the producer can be configured to handle a custom event containing a payload. In this case, the portlet is a Java portlet associated with the class shown in Listing 7-4.

Listing 7-4 Sample Java Portlet Class
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.GenericPortlet;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import com.bea.netuix.events.Event;
import com.bea.netuix.events.CustomEvent;

public class JavaPortlet extends GenericPortlet {

     public void getMessage(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response,
                             Event event) {
           CustomEvent customEvent = (CustomEvent) event;
           String message = (String) customEvent.getPayload();
           response.setRenderParameter("message0", message);

     public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
           throws PortletException, IOException {

           String message = request.getParameter("message0");
           if (message == null) message = "";
           response.getWriter().write("<p><b>Message From Consumer: </b>" +
            message + "</p>");

The getMessage() method retrieves a custom event object. This object contains the payload that is sent from the consumer to the producer. In the following steps, you will create an event handler that listens for a custom event and calls the getMessage() method when this event is received. Note that in this case, the custom event is fired by a portlet deployed to the consumer application.

To configure the event handler in the producer portlet:

  1. In WorkSpace Studio, create a Java portlet using the class shown in Listing 7-4.
  2. In the Package Explorer, double-click the Java portlet file to open the portlet in the editor, as shown in Figure 7-25.
  3. Figure 7-25 Java Portlet in the Editor

    Java Portlet in the Editor

  4. Click the outer border of the portlet to display the portlet’s properties in the Properties view.
  5. In the Properties view, click the Event Handlers button, shown in Figure 7-26, to open the Event Handler dialog box. The Portlet Event Handlers dialog box appears.
  6. Tip: The Portlet Event Handlers dialog box lets you create and configure event handlers for a portlet. An event handler listens for an event and takes a specified action when the event is receieved.
    Figure 7-26 Event Handlers Button

    Event Handlers Button

  7. In the Portlet Event Handlers dialog, click Add Handler... and from the pop-up menu, select Handle Custom Event. (Alternatively, you can click the Event Handlers link in the portlet editor.)
  8. Select Any from the Listen To (wildcard) dropdown list.
  9. In the Event field (lower-right corner of the dialog) enter a name, such as messageCustomEvent.
  10. Figure 7-27 shows the completed dialog.

    Figure 7-27 Portlet Event Handlers Dialog: Add Handler

    Portlet Event Handlers Dialog: Add Handler

  11. Select Add Action... in the Portlet Event Handlers dialog and from the pop-up menu, select Invoke Java Portlet Method.
  12. In the Method field, enter getMessage, as shown in Figure 7-28, and click OK.
  13. Figure 7-28 Portlet Event Handlers Dialog: Add Action

    Portlet Event Handlers Dialog: Add Action

The Java portlet is now configured to handle a custom event called messageCustomEvent. When this event is received, the handler calls the getMessage() method in the JavaPortlet class. This event handler provides the mechanism for interportlet communication between this portlet on the producer and other portlets, including portlets on a remote consumer.

Firing the Event in the Consumer

A consumer portlet can be configured to fire a custom event, which is then handled on the producer. Listing 7-5 illustrates code that could be used in a local portlet on the consumer to fire a custom event and attach a payload to that event.

Listing 7-5 Sample Event-Firing Code
       PortletBackingContext context =
 context.fireCustomEvent("messageCustomEvent", form.getMessage());
       return new Forward("success");

Refer to the Javadoc for more information on the fireCustomEvent() method. For more information on portlet development and event handling, see the Portlet Development Guide.

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