Class Adjustment

  extended by com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote.Adjustment
All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:
LineAdjustment, OrderAdjustment

Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

public abstract class Adjustment
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents an adjustment to a Quote object. An adjustment must have the same currency for all money values. Attempts to violate the single currency rule will produce CurrencyMismatchExceptions.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  List details
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  boolean isSet
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  AdjustmentType type
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Constructor Summary
protected Adjustment()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected Adjustment(AdjustmentType aType, Money aBasePrice)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected Adjustment(Money aBasePrice)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Method Summary
protected  void addDetail(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  boolean checkCurrency(AdjustmentDetail detail)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  boolean checkCurrency(Money value)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  boolean checkCurrency(String value)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void computeAdjustmentAmount()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 Money getActualPrice()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 Money getAdjustmentAmount()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 Money getBasePrice()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 String getCurrency()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 List getDetails()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 AdjustmentType getType()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void init()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void markModified()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void reset()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  double roundBasePrice(double value)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 void set(AdjustmentType aType, Money aBasePrice)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 void set(Money aBasePrice)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void setActualPrice(Money anActualPrice)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void setAdjustmentAmount(double value)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
protected  void setType(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
 String toString()
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
static String toString(List adjustments)
          Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AdjustmentType type
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


protected List details
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


protected boolean isSet
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering
Constructor Detail


protected Adjustment()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


protected Adjustment(Money aBasePrice)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


protected Adjustment(AdjustmentType aType,
                     Money aBasePrice)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Method Detail


protected void init()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


protected void reset()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


public void set(AdjustmentType aType,
                Money aBasePrice)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Set the Adjustment object with the specified values.

aType - the AdjustmentType for this adjustment.
aBasePrice - the base price for the Adjustment.
See Also


public void set(Money aBasePrice)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Set the Adjustment object with the specified value.

aBasePrice - the base price for the Adjustment.


public final Money getActualPrice()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Returns the actual price for this Adjustment.


public final Money getAdjustmentAmount()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Returns the amount that this adjustment affects the price of it's parent. The computation of this amount may be modified by subclasses. The default computation of adjustment amount is base price - actual price.


public final Money getBasePrice()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Return the base price for the Adjustment.


public final AdjustmentType getType()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Return the AdjustmentType for this Adjustment

See Also


public List getDetails()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Return an unmodifiable list of the AdjustmentDetails for this Adjustment.

See Also


public final String getCurrency()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Returns the currency for this adjustment. All money values for this adjustment are of this currency


protected double roundBasePrice(double value)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Provides a means to round the base price amount. Subclasses may want different rounding strategies applied and since basePrice is immutable we must round it prior to setting it. The default behavior is not to round the value at all, subclasses should override as necessary.

value - Money amount to be rounded


protected final void setActualPrice(Money anActualPrice)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

copy the given Money value into our actualPrice object. a call to addDetail() should call this method.


protected void computeAdjustmentAmount()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Computes the amount of adjustment. This method may be overridden by subclasses to provide different computations when the quantity of items is different from 1. Adjustment value is positive for an adjustment that lowers the price of the item, thus a positive value indicates a discount while a negative value indicates an additional charge.


protected final void setAdjustmentAmount(double value)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Sets the amount of the adjustmentAmount field.


protected final void markModified()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Mark the Adjustment as modified so that the immutable ImmutableMoney objects returned from getXXXPrice() can be generated


protected void addDetail(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Adding a detail changes the adjustment type to match the detail. Subclasses can override this behavior by modifying the setType() method.


protected void setType(AdjustmentDetail aDetail)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

called by addDetail() to set the type of this adjustment. Subclasses may override to get desired behavior.


protected final boolean checkCurrency(Money value)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Compare the currency of the money specified with the currency of previous money objects in this instance.

value - a money object to be compared to the current value
true if this is the first money object to be checked or if the current currency value matches the currency value of the money specified.


protected final boolean checkCurrency(String value)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


protected final boolean checkCurrency(AdjustmentDetail detail)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering


public String toString()
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Provides a string representation of this object. This method is intended for debugging and may change at any time.

toString in class Object


public static String toString(List adjustments)
Deprecated See BEA Commerce product offering

Provides a string representation for a List of Adjustments. This method is intended for debugging and may change at any time.

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