Class Search

  extended by com.bea.content.expression.Search
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable

public class Search
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Serializable

This represents parameters for searching Nodes in the repository.

The search criteria are validated, but by default, will only print a WARNING to the WebLogic console if they are invalid. It is recommended that you enable full validation of the search critera, which will throw an Exception for invalid criteria; otherwise, the sort may fail to return valid or sorted results. To enable full validation, set this repository property in your content-config.xml: Run additional checks against search criteria searchValidation true

If not using full text search, the sort criteria are restricted to either system or explicit properties.

There are reserved system properties that may be part of a search. They are:

Explicit properties may be used as part of the sort criteria. They may be specified by the user, in addition to those that exist OOTB: "cm_nodeName", "cm_value","cm_lifeCycleStatus", "cm_isContent", "cm_isHierarchy", "cm_isHierarchy", "cm_objectClass", "cm_path", "cm_createdBy", "cm_createdDate", "cm_objectClassInstance", "cm_parent_uid", "cm_version", "cm_versionComment", "cm_checkedOut", "cm_assignedToUser", "cm_role", "cm_uid", "cm_modifiedBy", "cm_modifiedDate", "cm_contentType", "cm_binarySize", "cm_binaryName"

For more complex sort criteria, rather than SortCriteria, use the Search constructor that takes a sort string: public Search(String searchPath, int maxReturn, String sort, Expression expr) throws IllegalArgumentException where the 'sort' parameter may be something like:

Here is an example of how to build a search Expression:

    String expStr = "cm_objectClass = 'CATALOG_PRODUCT_ITEM' && keywords containsall ('camera')";
    Expression exp = ExpressionHelper.parse(expStr);

And here is an example of how that same search would be passed in as a String:

    String expStr = "cm_objectClass = 'CATALOG_PRODUCT_ITEM' && keywords containsall ('camera')";

Here is a full example of constructing and executing a search:

     IMetadataQuery mQuery = FullTextQueryFactory.getMetadataQuery();
     ITextQuery tQuery = FullTextQueryFactory.getTextQuery();
     String textString = "winter";
     ITextQueryParameter textCriteria = tQuery.buildEquals(textString);
     String metaDataString = "Nederland";
     IMetadataQueryParameter metadataCriteria = mQuery.buildContains("*", new String[]{metaDataString});
     IFullTextSearch expression = FullTextSearchFactory.buildFullTextSearch(metadataCriteria, textCriteria, true);
     String repositoryPath = "/MyRepository";
     Search search = new Search(repositoryPath, -1, null, expression, true);
     ISearchManager searchManager = ContentManagerFactory.getSearchManager();

     ContentContext cc = new ContentContext();
     cc.setParameter(ContentListKeys.BATCH_LOADING_SIZE_KEY, 100);
     ISortableFilterablePagedList results =, search);


Note that Node link properties are not currently supported in a search expression.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Map contextParams
          The context params.
protected  Expression expression
          The search expression.
protected  IFullTextSearch fullText
          The full text search expression.
protected  int maxReturn
          The maximum number of objects to return.
protected  List searchPaths
          The paths under which to search.
protected  SortCriteria[] sortCriteria
          The sorting criteria
protected  boolean useCache
          indicates whether or not the search should use the cache or not
protected  boolean useFullTextSearch
          Whether a full text search is to be performed instead of a database search.
Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor.
Search(Expression expr)
Search(int maxReturn, Expression expr)
Search(int maxReturn, SortCriteria[] sortCriteria, Expression expr)
Search(int maxReturn, SortCriteria[] sortCriteria, String expr)
Search(int maxReturn, String expr)
Search(int maxReturn, String sort, Expression expr)
Search(int maxReturn, String sort, String expr)
Search(String expr)
Search(String searchPath, int maxReturn, SortCriteria[] sortCriteria, Expression expr)
Search(String searchPath, int maxReturn, SortCriteria[] sortCriteria, IFullTextSearch expr, boolean performFullTextSearch)
Search(String searchPath, int maxReturn, SortCriteria[] sortCriteria, String expr)
Search(String searchPath, int maxReturn, String sort, Expression expr)
Search(String searchPath, int maxReturn, String sort, String expr)
Method Summary
 void addSearchPath(String path)
          Add a search path.
 void clearSearchPaths()
          Clear the search paths.
 Object clone()
          Make a deep copy of this object
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Determine if another object is equals to this.
 Object getContextParam(Object key)
          Get the value of a context param.
 Map getContextParams()
          Get an unmodifiable copy of the context params.
 Expression getExpression()
          Get the search expression.
 IFullTextSearch getFullTextExpression()
          Get the search expression corresponding to a full text search.
 int getMaxReturn()
          Get the maximum number of objects to return.
 int getNumSearchPaths()
          Get the number of search paths.
 String[] getSearchPaths()
          Get the search paths.
 Iterator getSearchPathsIterator()
          Get an iterator over the search paths.
 SortCriteria[] getSortCriteria()
          Get the sort criteria.
 int hashCode()
          Override hashcode to use our parts.
 boolean isFullTextSearch()
          Check if this is a Full Text Search instead of the Database Search.
 boolean isUseCache()
          Indicates whether or not the search, when executed will try to use the global search cache or not.
 void removeSearchPath(String path)
          Remove a search path.
 Object setContextParam(Object key, Object value)
          Set the value of a context param.
 void setContextParams(Map input)
          Set the context params based upon the objects in the input map.
 void setExpression(Expression expression)
          Set the search expression.
 void setFullTextExpression(IFullTextSearch expression)
          Set the search expression corresponding to a full text search.
 void setFullTextSearch(boolean fullTextSearch)
          Enable/Disable Full Text Search
 void setMaxReturn(int maxReturn)
          Set the maximum number of objects to return.
 void setSearchPath(String searchPath)
          Set the search path to contain just this one.
 void setSearchPaths(String[] paths)
          Set the search paths.
 void setSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
          Set the sort criteria.
 void setSortCriteria(String sort)
          Set the sort criteria.
 void setUseCache(boolean useCache)
          Indicates to the search API whether or not to use the search cache when executing the search expression.
 String toString()
          Get a String representation of this.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected List searchPaths
The paths under which to search.

This should be empty to search under all paths (repositories in a federeated search.) This is an OR'ed list.

In a federated search, this can begin with "/*" (e.g."/*/some/path") to denote a search path under each repository. In non-federated search, this should not be construed to contain any special characters.


protected int maxReturn
The maximum number of objects to return.

Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.


protected SortCriteria[] sortCriteria
The sorting criteria


protected Expression expression
The search expression.


protected IFullTextSearch fullText
The full text search expression.


protected Map contextParams
The context params.

Note from com.bea.p13n.content.expression.Search: Attribute: contextParams


protected boolean useCache
indicates whether or not the search should use the cache or not


protected boolean useFullTextSearch
Whether a full text search is to be performed instead of a database search.

Constructor Detail


public Search(String searchPath,
              int maxReturn,
              SortCriteria[] sortCriteria,
              IFullTextSearch expr,
              boolean performFullTextSearch)

searchPath - The path to search within, thus limiting the scope of the search. If this is null, then all content in all repositories will be searched. If you wish to search only one repository, the path will be something like "/MyRepository". If you wish to further scope that search in that repository beneath a folder called "Accounts", the search path will be "/MyRepository/Accounts". Multiple search paths can be added by calling 'addSearchPath()" once the Search object has been created.
maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sortCriteria - The sort criteria. This can be null, and if so, results are returned unsorted. If multiple sortCriteria are specified in the array, the first specified will be the primary, and the next the secondary, etc.
expr - The search expression.
performFullTextSearch - Setting this to true will search binary data (eg, file content). Setting it to false will search only metadata.


public Search(String searchPath,
              int maxReturn,
              SortCriteria[] sortCriteria,
              Expression expr)

searchPath - The path to search within, thus limiting the scope of the search. If this is null, then all content in all repositories will be searched. If you wish to search only one repository, the path will be something like "/MyRepository". If you wish to further scope that search in that repository beneath a folder called "Accounts", the search path will be "/MyRepository/Accounts". Multiple search paths can be added by calling 'addSearchPath()" once the Search object has been created.
maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sortCriteria - The sort criteria. This can be null, and if so, results are returned unsorted. If multiple sortCriteria are specified in the array, the first specified will be the primary, and the next the secondary, etc.
expr - The search expression.


public Search(String searchPath,
              int maxReturn,
              SortCriteria[] sortCriteria,
              String expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException

searchPath - The path to search within, thus limiting the scope of the search. If this is null, then all content in all repositories will be searched. If you wish to search only one repository, the path will be something like "/MyRepository". If you wish to further scope that search in that repository beneath a folder called "Accounts", the search path will be "/MyRepository/Accounts". Multiple search paths can be added by calling 'addSearchPath()" once the Search object has been created.
maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sortCriteria - The sort criteria. This can be null, and if so, results are returned unsorted. If multiple sortCriteria are specified in the array, the first specified will be the primary, and the next the secondary, etc.
expr - The search expression.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(String searchPath,
              int maxReturn,
              String sort,
              Expression expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException

searchPath - The path to search within, thus limiting the scope of the search. If this is null, then all content in all repositories will be searched. If you wish to search only one repository, the path will be something like "/MyRepository". If you wish to further scope that search in that repository beneath a folder called "Accounts", the search path will be "/MyRepository/Accounts". Multiple search paths can be added by calling 'addSearchPath()" once the Search object has been created.
maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sort - The sort criteria. This can be null, and if so, results are returned unsorted. If multiple sortCriteria are specified in the array, the first specified will be the primary, and the next the secondary, etc.
expr - The search expression.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(String searchPath,
              int maxReturn,
              String sort,
              String expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException

searchPath - The path to search within, thus limiting the scope of the search. If this is null, then all content in all repositories will be searched. If you wish to search only one repository, the path will be something like "/MyRepository". If you wish to further scope that search in that repository beneath a folder called "Accounts", the search path will be "/MyRepository/Accounts". Multiple search paths can be added by calling 'addSearchPath()" once the Search object has been created.
maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sort - The sort criteria. Can be null. An example would be: "cm_nodeName", which would sort results by node name.
expr - The search expression.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(int maxReturn,
              SortCriteria[] sortCriteria,
              Expression expr)
Constructor. Since the search path is not specified, all content of all repositories will be searched.

maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sortCriteria - The sort criteria. This can be null, and if so, results are returned unsorted. If multiple sortCriteria are specified in the array, the first specified will be the primary, and the next the secondary, etc.
expr - The search expression.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(int maxReturn,
              SortCriteria[] sortCriteria,
              String expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException
Constructor. Since the search path is not specified, all content of all repositories will be searched.

maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sortCriteria - The sort criteria. This can be null, and if so, results are returned unsorted. If multiple sortCriteria are specified in the array, the first specified will be the primary, and the next the secondary, etc.
expr - The search expression.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(int maxReturn,
              String sort,
              Expression expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException
Constructor. Since the search path is not specified, all content of all repositories will be searched.

maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sort - The sort criteria. Can be null. An example would be: "cm_nodeName", which would sort results by node name.
expr - The search expression. See javadocs at the top of this class for an example.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(int maxReturn,
              String sort,
              String expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException
Constructor. Since the search path is not specified, all content of all repositories will be searched.

maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
sort - The sort criteria. Can be null. An example would be: "cm_nodeName", which would sort results by node name.
expr - The search expression. See javadocs at the top of this class for an example.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(int maxReturn,
              Expression expr)
Constructor. If the search path is not specified in the Expression, all content of all repositories will be searched. Search results are returned unsorted.

maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
expr - The search expression. See javadocs at the top of this class for an example.


public Search(int maxReturn,
              String expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException
Constructor. If the search path is not specified in the expression, all content of all repositories will be searched. Search results are returned unsorted.

maxReturn - The maximum number of results to return. Less than 0 signifies returning all matches.
expr - The search expression. See javadocs at the top of this class for an example.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search(Expression expr)
Constructor. If the search path is not specified in the Expression, all content of all repositories will be searched. All matches will be returned, unsorted.

expr - The search expression. See javadocs at the top of this class for an example.


public Search(String expr)
       throws IllegalArgumentException
Constructor. If the search path is not specified in the Expression, all content of all repositories will be searched. All matches will be returned, unsorted.

expr - The search expression. See javadocs at the top of this class for an example.
IllegalArgumentException - If the construction failed.


public Search()
Empty constructor. All content in all repositories will be searched and all results will be returned unsorted.

Method Detail


public boolean isFullTextSearch()
Check if this is a Full Text Search instead of the Database Search. A full text search implies content in the Autonomy database, both binary (eg, document content) and metadata (eg, document properties). Otherwise, a 'Database' search implies searching only metadata in the CM content repository backing store.

true - to indicate that full text search is being used.


public void setFullTextSearch(boolean fullTextSearch)
Enable/Disable Full Text Search

fullTextSearch - Setting this to true will search binary data (eg, file content) and metadata in the Autonomy database. Setting it to false will search only metadata in the CM repository backing store.


public String[] getSearchPaths()
Get the search paths.

See searchPaths for details about what this can be.

An array of search paths.


public Iterator getSearchPathsIterator()
Get an iterator over the search paths.

See searchPaths for details about what this can be.

An Iterator of search paths.


public int getNumSearchPaths()
Get the number of search paths.

The number of search paths.


public void setSearchPath(String searchPath)
Set the search path to contain just this one.

See searchPaths for details about what this can be.

searchPath - The search path.


public void setSearchPaths(String[] paths)
Set the search paths.

paths - The search paths.


public void addSearchPath(String path)
Add a search path.

See searchPaths for details about what this can be.

path - The search path to add.


public void removeSearchPath(String path)
Remove a search path.

path - The path to remove.


public void clearSearchPaths()
Clear the search paths.


public int getMaxReturn()
Get the maximum number of objects to return.

Use less than 0 to signify returning all matches.

The maximum number of items to return.


public void setMaxReturn(int maxReturn)
Set the maximum number of objects to return.

Use less than 0 to signify returning all matches.

maxReturn - The maximum number of items to return.


public SortCriteria[] getSortCriteria()
Get the sort criteria.

The sort criteria.


public void setSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
Set the sort criteria.

sortCriteria - The sort criteria.


public void setSortCriteria(String sort)
                     throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the sort criteria.

sort - The sort criteria.
IllegalArgumentException - if the str string isn't valid occurred to SortCriteria.getSortCriteria(java.lang.String).


public Expression getExpression()
Get the search expression.

The search expression.


public IFullTextSearch getFullTextExpression()
Get the search expression corresponding to a full text search.

The full text search expression.


public void setFullTextExpression(IFullTextSearch expression)
Set the search expression corresponding to a full text search.

expression - The full text search expression.


public void setExpression(Expression expression)
Set the search expression.

expression - The search expression.


public Map getContextParams()
Get an unmodifiable copy of the context params.

The context parameters.


public void setContextParams(Map input)
Set the context params based upon the objects in the input map.

input - The context parameters.


public Object getContextParam(Object key)
Get the value of a context param.

key The context parameter key.


public Object setContextParam(Object key,
                              Object value)
Set the value of a context param.

The key and value must be Serializable.

key - the context param key.
value - the context param value.
the old context param value or null if none.


public Object clone()
Make a deep copy of this object

clone in class Object


public int hashCode()
Override hashcode to use our parts.

hashCode in class Object


public boolean isUseCache()
Indicates whether or not the search, when executed will try to use the global search cache or not. The default value is true, so every search will try to find data in the search cache first.

true if the search will use the global search cache


public void setUseCache(boolean useCache)
Indicates to the search API whether or not to use the search cache when executing the search expression. The default value is true, so every search will try to find data in the search cache first. If set to false the search cache will be ignored when querying.

useCache - variable indicating whether or not to use the search cache.


public boolean equals(Object o)
Determine if another object is equals to this.

equals in class Object


public String toString()
Get a String representation of this.

toString in class Object

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