Interface ITypeManager

public interface ITypeManager

Interface to manage types (ObjectClasses) in the content system. This interface honors DA/Visitor security policies laid on types.

Methods returning an ISortableFilterablePagedList may perform sorting and filtering. See the documentation in com.bea.content.paging and ObjectClass.

Note: new methods may be added to this interface periodically -- therefore, this not a good CM extension point. The recommended extension point is at the Service Provider Interface, in package com.bea.content.spi

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal. BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 ObjectClass addType(ContentContext context, ObjectClass type)
          Create a type in the specified repository.
 ObjectClass addType(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, String name)
          Create a type in the specified repository.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getChildTypes(ContentContext context, ID typeId)
          Returns a list (possibly empty) of types which extend the given type via type inheritance.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getInstantiableTypes(ContentContext context, String repositoryName)
          Returns all the types for the given repository for which the user has INSTANTIATION privileges on that type.
 InputStream getStream(ContentContext context, ID typeId, ID propertyChoiceId)
          Return the bytes for the given property choice.
 ObjectClass getType(ContentContext context, ID typeId)
          Returns the type with the given ID.
 ObjectClass getType(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, String typeName)
          Returns the type with the given name.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getViewableTypes(ContentContext context)
          Returns all the types across all repositories for which the user has VIEW privileges on Will ignore any configured repository which does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeRetrieval capability.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getViewableTypes(ContentContext context, String repositoryName)
          Returns all the types for the given repository for which the user has VIEW privileges on Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the repositoryName does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeCreate capability.
 boolean hasCapability(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, ObjectClass type, TypeCapability capability)
          Checks to see if the caller has the specified security capability on a type
 void remove(ContentContext context, ID typeId)
          Deletes the type with the given ID.
 ObjectClass save(ContentContext context, ObjectClass objectClass)
          This method updates an existing object class in a single transaction.

Method Detail


ObjectClass addType(ContentContext context,
                    String repositoryName,
                    String name)
                    throws AuthenticationException,
Create a type in the specified repository. Will throw an AuthorizationException if user does not have CREATE privileges on the repository to create types Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the repositoryName does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeCreate capability.

context - - The content context object
repositoryName - - The name of the repository
name - - The name of the new type
The created type
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have CREATE capability on the type
ObjectClassExistsException - - if the name of the type is already in use.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


ObjectClass addType(ContentContext context,
                    ObjectClass type)
                    throws AuthenticationException,
Create a type in the specified repository. Will throw an AuthorizationException if user does not have CREATE privileges on the repository to create types Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the type.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeCreate capability. If attempting to use a property definition which uses multi-value, primary, property choices, readOnly, mandatory, restricted or searchable, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the relevant capability from: TypeFeatureCapability such as TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyDefinitionMultiValued. If attempting to use the Link, Nested or Binary property types, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyLink, TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyNested or TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyBinary capability. If attempting to use the searchable type or abstract type mechanism, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeAbstract or TypeFeatureCapability.TypeSearchable capability.

context - - The content context object
type - - If a user already has an object class with property definitions, they can use this.
The created type
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have CREATE capability on the type
ObjectClassExistsException - - if the name of the type is already in use.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


ObjectClass getType(ContentContext context,
                    ID typeId)
                    throws AuthenticationException,
Returns the type with the given ID. Will throw an AuthorizationException if the user does not have VIEW or INSTANTIATION capabilities set on the type Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the typeId does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeRetrieval capability. If attempting to use a property definition which uses multi-valude, primary, property choices, readOnly, restricted or searchable, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the relevant capability from: TypeFeatureCapability such as TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyDefinitionMultiValued. If attempting to use the Link, Nested or Binary property types, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyLink, TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyNested or TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyBinary capability. If attempting to use the searchable type or abstract type mechanism, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeAbstract or TypeFeatureCapability.TypeSearchable capability.

context - -The content context object
typeId - - The id of the type
The specified type
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have VIEW or INSTANTIATION capability on the type
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the type can't be found
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


ObjectClass getType(ContentContext context,
                    String repositoryName,
                    String typeName)
                    throws AuthenticationException,
Returns the type with the given name. Will throw an AuthorizationException if the user does not have VIEW or INSTANTIATION capabilities set on the type Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the repositoryName does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeRetrieval capability.

context - - The content context object
repositoryName - - The name of the repository to query
typeName - - The name of the type
The specified type
AuthorizationException - - If the user does not have VIEW or INSTANTIATION capability on the type
NoSuchObjectClassException - - if the type can't be found
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getViewableTypes(ContentContext context)
                                                           throws AuthenticationException,
Returns all the types across all repositories for which the user has VIEW privileges on Will ignore any configured repository which does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeRetrieval capability.

context - - The content context object
A page list which allows user to iterate though the types.
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getViewableTypes(ContentContext context,
                                                           String repositoryName)
                                                           throws AuthenticationException,
Returns all the types for the given repository for which the user has VIEW privileges on Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the repositoryName does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeCreate capability.

context - - The content context object
repositoryName - - The name of the repository
A page list which allows user to iterate though the types.
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception.


ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getInstantiableTypes(ContentContext context,
                                                               String repositoryName)
                                                               throws AuthenticationException,
Returns all the types for the given repository for which the user has INSTANTIATION privileges on that type. Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the repositoryName does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeRetrieval capability.

context - - The content context object
repositoryName - - The name of the repository
A page list which allows user to iterate though the types.
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
RepositoryException - - for any other exception.


void remove(ContentContext context,
            ID typeId)
            throws AuthenticationException,
Deletes the type with the given ID. All of the ObjectClass PropertyDefinitions, and their PropertyChocies are also deleted if present. This method will throw an AuthorizationException if user does not have enough privileges on that type. Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the typeId does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeRemove capability.

context - - The content context object
typeId - - The ID of the type to be deleted.
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have DELETE capability on the type.
NoSuchObjectClassException - - The type can't be found
ObjectClassInUseException - - if the type is in use
RepositoryException - - for any other exception


InputStream getStream(ContentContext context,
                      ID typeId,
                      ID propertyChoiceId)
                      throws AuthenticationException,
Return the bytes for the given property choice. Will throw an AuthorizationException if the user does not have VIEW or INSTANTIATION capabilities on the type Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the typeId does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyBinary capability.

context - - The content context object
typeId - - The id of the type
propertyChoiceId - - The property choice id whose bytes are to be retrieved
An InputStream of the bytes.
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have VIEW or INSTANTIATION capability on the type
NoSuchPropertyChoiceException - - the property choice can't be found


ObjectClass save(ContentContext context,
                 ObjectClass objectClass)
                 throws AuthenticationException,
This method updates an existing object class in a single transaction. The changed object class attributes will be updated accordingly, including changed property definitions and property choices. This is a less granular way of performing actions like createPropertyDefinition, renameType and updatePropertyDefiniton. The object class is assumed to be retrieved from this API and therefore properly formed when this call is made. Therefore if this method is called and some property definitions are not specified, those definitions values will be removed. The following object class attributes cannot be modified via this API: path (modifying the parent will cause the object class path to be updated properly). Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeUpdate capability. If attempting to use a property definition which uses multi-value, primary, property choices, readOnly, mandatory, restricted or searchable, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the relevant capability from: TypeFeatureCapability such as TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyDefinitionMultiValued. If attempting to use the Link, Nested or Binary property types, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyLink, TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyNested or TypeFeatureCapability.TypePropertyBinary capability. If attempting to use the searchable type or abstract type mechanism, will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the objectClass.getId().getRepositoryName() does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeAbstract or TypeFeatureCapability.TypeSearchable capability.

context - - The content context object
objectClass - - The object class to update.
The updated objectClass
AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user does not have UPDATE capability on the type. This exception will also be thrown if the user is not authorizated by the repository.
ObjectClassInUseException - - if the type is in use and the update to be performed is illegal.
RepositoryException - - if error occurs during the update operation.


ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getChildTypes(ContentContext context,
                                                        ID typeId)
                                                        throws AuthenticationException,
Returns a list (possibly empty) of types which extend the given type via type inheritance. Returns types in the first level of extension.

For example, if "Type A" is extended by "Type B" which is in turn extended by "Type C", then when this method is called with the parameter "Type A", the result would be a list containing only "Type B".

If this method is called and typeId has no UID, then this method will return all top-level types (types which are not inherited).

This method will only return the types that the user has VIEW capabilities on.

Will throw a RepositoryException if the repository specified by the typeId does not support the TypeFeatureCapability.TypeInheritance capability.

typeId - - The parent type id, or an ID with no uid to retrieve top-level types.

A list (possibly empty) of object classes which extend the given type.

AuthenticationException - - if the user attempting the operation isn't authenticated against the repository.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.
RepositoryException - - if an error occurs while looking up the child types.


boolean hasCapability(ContentContext context,
                      String repositoryName,
                      ObjectClass type,
                      TypeCapability capability)
                      throws AuthorizationException
Checks to see if the caller has the specified security capability on a type

context - - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - -The name of the repository
type - - The type.
capability - - The capability to check for.
true or false depending on whether the caller has the capability on the type or not.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the operation is not authorized to perform it.

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