Interface ICapabilityDefinition

All Known Implementing Classes:
FeatureCapabilityDefinition, MethodCapabilityDefinition

public interface ICapabilityDefinition

Capability definitions are configured capability queries ready to run against a repository.

A capability definition includes a name and a type. The combination of these attributes makes the capability definition unique.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal. BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 String getId()
 String getName()
 CapabilityType getType()

Method Detail


String getName()
the name of the capability definition. Note that there may be multiple capabilities with the same name (but different types).


CapabilityType getType()
the type of capability (basic, named, etc)


String getId()
a unique id for the capability

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