Class Version

  extended by com.bea.content.virtual.version.VersionableContent
      extended by com.bea.content.virtual.version.Version
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable

public class Version
extends VersionableContent
implements Serializable, Cloneable

Version maintains information on a single version of a VirtualNode. The Version object is created by the Library Services API and it's not intended to be constructed by the customer directly -- please consult the methods in IVersionManager.

Methods which return an com.bea.content.paging.ISortableFilterablePagedList from IVersionManager can sort and filter the responses. For a discussion on paging, sorting and filtering, see com.bea.content.paging and ContentListKeys. Properties which can be natively sorted and filtered can be identified by calling the methods ISortablePagedList.getNativeSortableProperties() and IFilterablePagedList.getNativeFilterableProperties().

For Versions in the BEA Repository, the current list of native sortable and filterable properties is:

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Version(int status, String comment, Property[] properties, String versionName, String modifiedBy, Calendar modifiedDate)
          Deprecated Use the methods in IVersionManager to create new versions.
Version(int status, String comment, Property[] properties, String versionName, String modifiedBy, Calendar modifiedDate, VirtualNode virtualNode)
          Deprecated Use the methods in IVersionManager to create new versions.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Clones a versionnode with its properties and values.
 String getModifiedBy()
          Gets the name of the last user that modified this version.
 Calendar getModifiedDate()
          Gets the date this version was last modified.
 ID getNodeId()
          Return the NodeId associated with the version
 String getVersionId()
          Excluded - see CR353875.
 String getVersionName()
          Gets the name of this version.
 VirtualNode getVirtualNode()
          Deprecated Due to security concerns. Please use getNodeId() instead. This will return null for versions returned via meta-data search queries.
 String toString()
          Returns the attributes of this Version in a String.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.virtual.version.VersionableContent
addProperty, getComment, getProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getStatus, getVersionComment, setComment, setProperties, setStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Version(int status,
               String comment,
               Property[] properties,
               String versionName,
               String modifiedBy,
               Calendar modifiedDate)
Deprecated Use the methods in IVersionManager to create new versions.

For internal use only.


public Version(int status,
               String comment,
               Property[] properties,
               String versionName,
               String modifiedBy,
               Calendar modifiedDate,
               VirtualNode virtualNode)
Deprecated Use the methods in IVersionManager to create new versions.

For internal use only. Create a new Version object. The Version object is created by the Library Services API and it's not intended to be constructed by the customer directly.

status - Workflow status.
comment - User created comment for the version.
properties - The node properties for this version.
versionName - The name of this version, ie "1", "2", etc.
modifiedBy - The user that modified this version.
modifiedDate - The date that this version was modified.
virtualNode - The VirtualNode that this version belongs to.
Method Detail


public String getVersionName()
Gets the name of this version.


public String getVersionId()
Excluded - see CR353875. This is necessary for sorting/filtering results of a

The version id.


public String getModifiedBy()
Gets the name of the last user that modified this version.


public Calendar getModifiedDate()
Gets the date this version was last modified.


public VirtualNode getVirtualNode()
Deprecated Due to security concerns. Please use getNodeId() instead. This will return null for versions returned via meta-data search queries.

Gets the VirtualNode object that is associated with this Version


public ID getNodeId()
Return the NodeId associated with the version

The NodeID


public String toString()
Returns the attributes of this Version in a String.

toString in class VersionableContent


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clones a versionnode with its properties and values. Note that binary value streams of property values are not cloned, but merely copied.

clone in class VersionableContent
A clone of the node.
CloneNotSupportedException - If the clone fails.

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