Package com.bea.netuix.application.identifier

Interface Summary
InstanceId Base marker interface implemented or extended by several specific InstanceId interfaces and classes.
NavigableDefinitionId Marker interface used for Book and Page definition id's.
NavigableInstanceId The InstanceId implemented by Books and Pages, which are navigables.
PlaceableDefinitionId Marker interface used for Book and Portlet definition ids.
PlaceableInstanceId The InstanceId implemented by Books and Portlets, which are placeables.
TemplateId Unique identifier for a desktop template.

Class Summary
BookDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Book definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
BookGroupId Represents a navigable (Book or Page) on a specific Book.
BookInstanceId Represents the primary keys of Book instance objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
CommunityDefinitionId CommunityDefinitionId

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

CommunityMemberId CommunityMemberId - represents an id that is associated with a single CommunityMember.
CommunityMembershipId CommunityMembershipId - the id associated with a single CommunityMembership

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

CommunityURI The CommunityURI is a convenience object for combining the webapp name, portal path, and desktop path which together uniquely identify a community.
DesktopDefinitionId The DesktopDefinitionId is the webapp name, portal path, and desktop path together that uniquely identifies a portal desktop.
DesktopInstanceId Represents the primary keys of Desktop instance objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
DesktopPath The DesktopPath is a representation of the part of the url that identifies the desktop for a customized portal.
Id All other Id classes extend this class.
InvitationId Id class for use with the Communities Invitations feature.
InviteeId Id class for use with the Communities Invitations feature.
LayoutDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Layout definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
LookAndFeelDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of LookAndFeel definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
MarkupDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of MarkupDefinition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
MenuDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Menu definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
MessagingAddressId Id class for MessagingAddress objects stored in the PF_COMMUNITY_MESSAGING_ADDR table.
NotificationId NotificationId
NotificationPayloadId NotificationPayloadId
PageDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Page definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
PageInstanceId Represents the primary keys of Page objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
Path Base class for all path-based entities.
PlaceholderDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Placeholder definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
PlacementId Represents a unique placement of a placeable (Book or Portlet) on a navigable (Book or Page).
PortalPath The PortalPath is a representation of the part of the url that identifies the portal for a customized portal.
PortletCategoryDefinitionId Portlets can be grouped into categories, such as 'news', 'sports' and 'human resources' portlets.
PortletDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Portlet definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
PortletInstanceId Represents the primary keys of Portlet instance objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
ShellDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Shell definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.
ThemeDefinitionId Represents the primary keys of Theme definition objects in the database, and is used to uniquely identify them.

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