Interface AnalyticEvent

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AnalyticEvent

This is the logged event received by the analytic event handler. This event contains enough meta data to perform statistical analysis on portal artifacts. While the portal container provides the only implementation of this interface, it is up to the AnaylticEventHandler implementation to log the event or aggregate the events.

BEA reserves the right to add additional methods to this intertface in the future.

Nested Class Summary
static class AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject
          The portal object type this event can be logged agains.
Method Summary
 AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject getAnalyticEventObject()
          Get the portal object type this event can be logged agains.
 String getDefinitionId()
          The defintion id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          The definition label of the portlet or page
 String getDesktop()
          The desktop or portal name this event was logged under
 long getDisposeLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Dispose" lifecycle phase
 long getInitLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "init" lifecycle phase
 String getInstanceId()
          The instance id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files
 String getInstanceLabel()
          The instance label of the portlet, null for pages
 long getLoadStateTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "loadState" lifecycle phase
 long getLoadTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "load" lifecycle phase
 String getPageLabel()
          The _pageLabel request parameter value
 long getPreRenderLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "preRender" lifecycle phase
 long getRaiseEventsLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "raiseEvents (handlePostBackData)" lifecycle phase
 long getRenderLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Render" lifecycle phase
 int getRequestId()
          A somewhat unique request id.
 long getSaveStateTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "saveState" lifecycle phase
 String getServletContextName()
          The servlet content name this event was logged under
 String getSessionId()
          The http session id of the user making the request
 long getTotalTime()
          The total amount of time the page or portlet consumed during the request.
 String getUsername()
          The username of the user who made the request, null for anaymnous users
 String getWebappContextPath()
          The webapp context context path
 String getWindowLabel()
          The _windowLabel request parameter value

Method Detail


AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject getAnalyticEventObject()
Get the portal object type this event can be logged agains.


String getServletContextName()
The servlet content name this event was logged under


String getWebappContextPath()
The webapp context context path


String getDesktop()
The desktop or portal name this event was logged under


String getUsername()
The username of the user who made the request, null for anaymnous users


String getSessionId()
The http session id of the user making the request


int getRequestId()
A somewhat unique request id. This is System.identityHashCode(httpRequest)


String getWindowLabel()
The _windowLabel request parameter value


String getPageLabel()
The _pageLabel request parameter value


String getDefinitionLabel()
The definition label of the portlet or page


String getInstanceLabel()
The instance label of the portlet, null for pages


String getDefinitionId()
The defintion id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files


String getInstanceId()
The instance id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files


long getInitLifecycleTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "init" lifecycle phase


long getLoadStateTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "loadState" lifecycle phase


long getLoadTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "load" lifecycle phase


long getRaiseEventsLifecycleTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "raiseEvents (handlePostBackData)" lifecycle phase


long getPreRenderLifecycleTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "preRender" lifecycle phase


long getSaveStateTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "saveState" lifecycle phase


long getRenderLifecycleTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Render" lifecycle phase


long getDisposeLifecycleTime()
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Dispose" lifecycle phase


long getTotalTime()
The total amount of time the page or portlet consumed during the request. Note total time may be greater than or equal to the sum of all the times above. This is becuase there are additional hidden lifecycles the containe uses and BEA reservers the right ot add additional lifecycles in the future

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