Package com.bea.p13n.advisor

This package provides Advisor infrastructure classes and interfaces.


Interface Summary
Advice This interface is used to return advice from the Advisor.
AdviceConstants This interface defines the keys for standard BEA entries in the Advice object.
AdviceRequest This interface represents a request for advice within the advisor subsystem.
AdviceRequestConstants This interface defines the keys for the standard BEA entries in the AdviceRequest interface.
AdviceTransform An AdviceTransform is the link between two Advislets in an advislet chain (as defined in the AdvisletRegistry).
Advislet This interface is the common interface for all Advislets.
AdvisletChainElement This interface is the common interface for all elements that can participate in an advislet chain as defined using the AdvisletRegistry.
AdvisletRegistryConstants This interface defines constants used by the AdvisletRegistry.
Advisor An Advisor makes recommendations when provided with an advice request.
EjbAdvisor Remote interface for EJB implementation of Advisor.
EjbAdvisorHome The home interface for the EJB implementation of the Advisor interface.
ProcessingError This interface is used to return error information that ocurred while processing an AdviceRequest.

Class Summary
AbstractAdviceTransform This is an abstract base class useful for defining new AdviceTransform classes.
AbstractAdvislet An abstract class which provides some default method implementations for classes wishing to implement the Advislet interface.
AdvisletRegistry The AdvisletRegistry allows an Advislet to be associated with a given URI prefix.
AdvisorFactory Factory class to create Advisor-related instance objects.
OutputListItemToInputTransform This is an AdviceTransform that takes the last RESULT key (getResult return value) from the Advice object and puts it into the key specified in the "output-key" parameter field in the AdviceRequest.
OutputToInputTransform This is an AdviceTransform that takes the last RESULT key (getResult return value) from the Advice object and puts it into the key specified in the "output-key" parameter field in the AdviceRequest.

Exception Summary
AdvisorException Base class for all exceptions thrown by Advisor and Advislet methods.
ElementNotFoundException Signals that the element refered to by a key cannot be found.

Package com.bea.p13n.advisor Description

This package provides Advisor infrastructure classes and interfaces. The classes and interfaces in this package enable developers to develop custom advislets and register them in the advislet-registry.xml. The custom advislets can be invoked by constructing an advice request and passing it to the Advisor, an advice will be returned as a result of processing the advice request. The errors if any occurred during the processing of an AdviceRequest will be stored in the advice and the advice will be marked as incomplete to indicate there were errors.

There is only one advisor that is an EJB and called EjbAdvisor that should be used to get an advice. The advisor will invoke one or more advislets to construct the advice for the advice request.

The advislets chain (that is two or more advislets linked together to form a compound advislet) could be formed and registered as a compound advislet in the advislet-registry. The package also contains classes to transform output of one advislet into the input of another advislet in the advislets chain.

The following steps can be followed to develop and use custom advislet.

See Also
Advislet, AdviceRequest, Advisor, EjbAdvisor, Advice

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