Interface PropertySetManager

All Superinterfaces

public interface PropertySetManager
extends Serializable

PropertySetManager is a stateless session bean that provides access to property sets, through PropertySetRepositories. It also provides translation between XML and property set objects for use in the data synchronization framework.

This control has been deprecated. Instead, use an instance of the PropertySetManager EJB, which supports all of the methods from this control. An instance of the PropertySetManager EJB can be obtained with the following code: home = 
                                             ; propSetMgr = home.create();

The PropertySetManager EJB will maintain a mapping of property set types to property set repositories so that the appropriate repository will be queried when a PropertySet is requested.

To define a property set type to repository class mapping, create an entry in the PropertySetManager's deployment descriptor that follows this pattern:


See Also
PropertySetManager, PropertySet, PropertySetRepository

Method Summary
 PropertySet getPropertySet(String type, String name)
          Deprecated Use the equivalent method from the PropertySetManager EJB
 Map getPropertySets(String type)
          Deprecated Use the equivalent method from the PropertySetManager EJB
 String getPropertySetXml(String type, String name)
          Deprecated Use the equivalent method from the PropertySetManager EJB

Method Detail


PropertySet getPropertySet(String type,
                           String name)
                           throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the equivalent method from the PropertySetManager EJB

Get the PropertySet identified by the given type and name

type - provides the mapping of a property set type (eg, USER) with its data repository. See javadocs above.
name - the name of the PropertySet
the PropertySet, or null if it is not found
P13nControlException - if remote errors occurr while accessing the PropertySetManager EJB


String getPropertySetXml(String type,
                         String name)
                         throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the equivalent method from the PropertySetManager EJB

Retrieve the XML representation of a property set

type - provides the mapping of a property set type (eg, USER) with its data repository See javadocs above.
name - the name of the PropertySet to retrieve
the XML representation of that PropertySet
P13nControlException - if remote errors occurr while accessing the PropertySetManager EJB


Map getPropertySets(String type)
                    throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the equivalent method from the PropertySetManager EJB

Get all PropertySets of a given type

type - provides the mapping of a property set type (eg, USER) with its data repository See javadocs above.
a map of name, PropertySet object pairs, or null if none are defined
P13nControlException - if remote errors occurr while accessing the PropertySetManager EJB

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