Enum FilterMethod

  extended by java.lang.Enum<FilterMethod>
      extended by com.bea.p13n.pagination.FilterMethod
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Comparable<FilterMethod>

public enum FilterMethod
extends Enum<FilterMethod>

Filter method used by FilterablePagedResult. There are many things you might think of which are not expressed here, however most of them probably have another way to be used. For example, we could have chosen to expose dozens of filter methods which apply only to Date-type date - such as MONTH_EQUALS, MONTH_NOT_EQUALS, YEAR_EQUALS, YEAR_GREATER_THAN, etc. But instead, we have kept the methods to the most basic set which can be applied to strings and numbers.

For example, if you have a Date type, and want to support filtering such as "where the year is greater than x", then consider exposing the year as a numeric property (rather than just the date as a string).

If you want to support case-insensitive filtering of string properties, consider exposing these as special versions of some properties: i.e. FIRST_NAME and FIRST_NAME_IGNORING_CASE.

Another option might be to provide the base refilter method which has some default behavior, and adding a special "refilterIgnoringCase" method, or adding a "dateGranularity" parameter to an overloaded refilter method.

Or, you may have such specific needs that it will make more sense to return non-filterable PagedResults from various custom query or search methods.

The exact choice will depend on the details of the underlying system as well as the intended use of the PagedResult.

See Also

Enum Constant Summary
          Results which begin with the filter string.
          Results which contain the filter string.
          Results which match in some implementation-specific way.
          Results which end with the filter string.
          Results which are equal to the filter string.
          Results which are greater than the filter string value.
          Results which are less than the filter string value.
          Opposite of CONTAINS
          Opposite of EQUALS
          Indicates that the result is not filtered
Method Summary
static FilterMethod valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static FilterMethod[] values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order theyre declared.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum
clone, compareTo, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Enum Constant Detail


public static final FilterMethod UNFILTERED
Indicates that the result is not filtered


public static final FilterMethod EQUALS
Results which are equal to the filter string. The semantics of equality are up to the implementation depending on the data type of the filtered property, but should adhere to standard, expected, definitions.


public static final FilterMethod NOT_EQUALS
Opposite of EQUALS


public static final FilterMethod CONTAINS
Results which contain the filter string. Generally, this will apply to string type properties (not numbers), as in String.contains(filterString).


public static final FilterMethod NOT_CONTAINS
Opposite of CONTAINS


public static final FilterMethod BEGINS_WITH
Results which begin with the filter string. Generally, this will apply to string type properties, as in String.beginsWith(filterString).


public static final FilterMethod ENDS_WITH
Results which end with the filter string. Generally, this will apply to string type properties, as in String.endsWith(filterString).


public static final FilterMethod LESS_THAN
Results which are less than the filter string value. This may apply to numerical values or strings (in a lexical sense), or other data types where it makes some sense.


public static final FilterMethod GREATER_THAN
Results which are greater than the filter string value. This may apply to numerical values or strings (in a lexical sense), or other data types where it makes some sense.


public static final FilterMethod CUSTOM
Results which match in some implementation-specific way. This might include an expression in the filter string or some other unknown technique. This should probably never be used, but is provided as a sort of safety valve.

Method Detail


public static final FilterMethod[] values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order theyre declared.


public static FilterMethod valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

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