Package com.bea.p13n.rules.manager

The Rules Manager EJB - the entry point to the Rules Framework for rules based personalization.


Interface Summary
RuleSetArchive Interface that defines a rule set packaged for deployment.
RuleSetRepository This interface defines the operations necessary to add, remove, and retrieve rule set XML documents to and from a rule set store.
RulesManager This interface defines a stateless API for executing named rule sets and/or rules using the underlying BEA rules engine.
RulesManagerHome This interface is the home interface for the RulesManager EJB.

Class Summary
DeploymentFactory Factory for creating all rule set deployment-related interface implementations.
RuleResultClassFilter A RuleResultClassFilter can be used to filter rule Result objects (the results of firing rules).

Exception Summary
RuleSetNotFoundException Signals that a rule set could not be located using a supplied rule set URI string.

Package com.bea.p13n.rules.manager Description

The Rules Manager EJB - the entry point to the Rules Framework for rules based personalization.

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