Class ResourceType

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdContentResourceType, AssignedItemsWorkspaceResourceType, AuthenticationProviderResourceType, AuthenticationProvidersManagementResourceType, AuthenticationProvidersResourceType, BehaviorTrackingServiceManagementResourceType, BookDefinitionResourceType, BookDefinitionsResourceType, CacheManagementResourceType, CachesManagementResourceType, CampaignResourceType, CampaignsResourceType, CheckedOutItemsWorkspaceResourceType, CommunitiesResourceType, CommunityDefinitionResourceType, CommunityTemplateResourceType, CommunityTemplatesResourceType, ContentSelectorResourceType, ContentSelectorsResourceType, DARoleResourceType, DesktopDefinitionResourceType, DesktopDefinitionsResourceType, DesktopResourceType, DesktopTemplateResourceType, DesktopTemplatesResourceType, EventServiceManagementResourceType, GroupResourceType, InvalidResourceType, LayoutResourceType, LayoutsResourceType, LibraryCommunityTemplateResourceType, LibraryCommunityTemplatesResourceType, LibraryDesktopTemplateResourceType, LibraryDesktopTemplatesResourceType, LibraryPortletInstancesResourceType, LibraryResourceType, LibraryTemplatesResourceType, LookAndFeelResourceType, LookAndFeelsResourceType, ManagementResourceType, MenuResourceType, MenusResourceType, NodeResourceType, P13nManagementResourceType, PageDefinitionResourceType, PageDefinitionsResourceType, PlaceholderResourceType, PlaceholdersResourceType, PortalManagementResourceType, PortalResourceType, PortalsResourceType, PortletCategoriesResourceType, PortletCategoryResourceType, PortletDefinitionResourceType, PortletDefinitionsResourceType, PortletsResourceType, PropertyDefinitionResourceType, PropertyResourceType, QueryDefinitionResourceType, RepositoriesInRepoModeResourceType, RepositoriesInTypeModeResourceType, RepositoriesResourceType, RepositoryInRepoModeResourceType, RepositoryInTypeModeResourceType, RepositoryResourceType, RoleMapperResourceType, RoleMappersResourceType, RuleResourceType, ScenarioResourceType, SecurityManagementResourceType, SecurityProvidersResourceType, SegmentResourceType, SegmentsResourceType, ShellResourceType, ShellsResourceType, TemplatesResourceType, ThemeResourceType, ThemesResourceType, TypeResourceType, UnknownResourceType, UserResourceType, UsersResourceType, VisitorRoleResourceType, VisitorRolesResourceType, WebAppResourceType, WorkflowResourceType, WorkflowsResourceType, WorkspacesResourceType, WSRPProducerResourceType, WSRPProducersResourceType

public abstract class ResourceType
extends Object
implements Serializable

Abstract base for resource type identifiers.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected ResourceType(String namespaceURI)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object that)
          Determine if the given Object is equal to this ResourceType.
 boolean equals(ResourceType that)
          Determine if the given ResourceType is equal to this ResourceType.
 String getNamespaceURI()
          Get the namespace URI of this ResourceType.
 String getTreeMode()
          Get the parsed namespace URI of this ResourceType to serve as a substitute for the editor mapping in componentized instances.
 int hashCode()
          Get the hash code of this ResourceType.
 String toString()
          Get a string representation of this ResourceType.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ResourceType(String namespaceURI)

namespaceURI - the URI of the resource type's namespace
Method Detail


public final int hashCode()
Get the hash code of this ResourceType.

The hash code is computed from the URI of the resource type's namespace.

hashCode in class Object
the hash code of this ResourceType


public final boolean equals(Object that)
Determine if the given Object is equal to this ResourceType.

The given Object is considered to be equal to this ResourceType if and only if all of these statements are true:

  1. The given Object is an instance of ResourceType or a subtype of ResourceType.
  2. The given Object (a ResourceType) has a namespace URI that equals the namespace URI of this ResourceID.

equals in class Object
true if the given Object is equal to this ResourceType and false otherwise


public final boolean equals(ResourceType that)
Determine if the given ResourceType is equal to this ResourceType.

The given ResourceType is considered to be equal to this ResourceType if and only if all of these statements are true:

  1. The given ResourceType has a namespace URI that equals the namespace URI of this ResourceType.

true if the given ResourceType is equal to this ResourceType and false otherwise


public final String getNamespaceURI()
Get the namespace URI of this ResourceType.

the namespace URI of this ResourceType


public String getTreeMode()
Get the parsed namespace URI of this ResourceType to serve as a substitute for the editor mapping in componentized instances. Should only be used in componentized cases where the tree portlet is not present

the parsed namespace URI of this ResourceType to serve as a substitute for the editor mapping in componentized instances.


public final String toString()
Get a string representation of this ResourceType.

This method returns the namespace URI of this ResourceType.

toString in class Object
a string representation of this Object
See Also

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