Package com.bea.portlet.adapter.faces

Support for JSF applications in a portal.


Class Summary
ScopedIdBuilder Builds scoped identifiers for JSF content in portals.
ScopedIdSupport Utility class that supports generation of scoped identifiers for JSF content in portals.

Package com.bea.portlet.adapter.faces Description

Support for JSF applications in a portal.


JSF applications associate a unique identifier with each JSF component in the component tree. When multiple JSF applications appear on a portal page, it becomes necessary to further scope these unique identifiers.

These features are provided to support scoping JSF component identifiers on a portal page:

The namingContainer Tag

The namingContainer tag is a custom JSF tag that introduces a NamingContainerComponent in the JSF component tree.

The namingContainer tag is expected to be the immediate child of the JSF view tag. It is not necessary to add the namingContainer tag to to JSF subview tag unless the subview needs to make use of a scoped identifier builder.

The namingContainer tag supports the attributes:

The NamingContainerComponent

The NamingContainerComponent is a custom JSF component that introduces a NamingContext into the JSF component tree.

The identifier of the NamingContainerComponent is a scope key determined by the portal.

The Scoped Identifier Builder

The scoped identifier builder is an object that is suitable for use in JSF value binding expressions that provides a convenient way to construct scoped identifiers.

To use a scoped identifier builder, add the namingContainer tag to the JSF view or subview and supply a valid id attribute. The id attribute specifies the name of a request-scoped attribute referencing an instance of ScopedIdBuilder.

The ScopedIdBuilder allows JSF value binding expressions to be used to construct a scoped identifier.

To construct a scoped identifier, begin with a JSF value binding expression of this form:

This form may then be followed by expressions of these forms: Terminate the JSF value binding expression with .string to yield the constructed scoped identifier.

For example, this JSF value binding expression

might produce an identifier like this

Component Identifiers and Client Identifiers

Each component in a JSF component tree has an identifier. The identifier can be assigned explicitly or assigned by the JSF framework.

The JSF framework assigns another identifier, the client identifier, to each component in a JSF component tree. The client identifier is constructed by appending the component identifier to the client identifier of the nearest ancestor component that implmenents the NamingContext marker interface.


The ID Part

The middle part of a constructed scoped identifier.

During the construction of a scoped identifier, the id part is distinguished from the prefix and suffix parts by the fact that sucessive appends to the id part are separated by a configurable separator string. The default separator string is ":".

The Prefix Part

The initial part (prefix) of a constructed scoped identifier.

The Suffix Part

The final part (suffix) of a constructed scoped identifier.

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