Interface ExportedPortlet

All Superinterfaces

public interface ExportedPortlet
extends Serializable

Contains information for a single exported portlet.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal. BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 boolean equivalent(ExportedPortlet other)
          Determines if the supplied ExportedPortlet object is equivalent to this one- the same as equals() but ignoring portlet handle if not a producer offered portlet.
 byte[] getExportData()
          Gets the exported portlet binary data.
 String getPortletHandle()
          Gets the portlet handle for the portlet when it was exported.
 boolean isProducerOfferedPortlet()
          Determines if the portlet was a producer-offered portlet (POP) when it was exported.

Method Detail


byte[] getExportData()
Gets the exported portlet binary data.


String getPortletHandle()
Gets the portlet handle for the portlet when it was exported.


boolean isProducerOfferedPortlet()
Determines if the portlet was a producer-offered portlet (POP) when it was exported.


boolean equivalent(ExportedPortlet other)
Determines if the supplied ExportedPortlet object is equivalent to this one- the same as equals() but ignoring portlet handle if not a producer offered portlet.

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