Interface ResourceHeaderFilter

public interface ResourceHeaderFilter

Implementations of this interface can filter which HTTP headers are passed through the ResourceProxyServlet.

You can specify an implementation of this filter by updating the init-parameter of the servlet ResourceProxyServlet. For example,

            <!-- Specify a header filter -->

Method Summary
 ResourceHeaders getPassThroughHeaders(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletContext context, String url)
          Returns a ResourceHeaders object with headers to be proxied, given the HttpServletRequest.

Method Detail


ResourceHeaders getPassThroughHeaders(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                      javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
                                      String url)
Returns a ResourceHeaders object with headers to be proxied, given the HttpServletRequest.

request - the HttpServletRequest
context - the current ServletContext
url - the target url being requested through the ResourceProxyServlet
com.bea.wsrp.consumer.resource.ResourceHeaders - the Headers to be proxied

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